We had some beautiful trees and it was close till the very end between HeavenOnEarth, ShowMeCPA, and Superfinders! Those weren't the only beautiful ones though, a lot of them deserved more votes but it's a busy time of the year so a lot of people weren't able to be lurking on the freebie forums!
ShowmeCPA, please contact us with what you want between $25 PayPal, a $25 giftcard, or two free greens. HeavenOnEarth and Superfinders, please contact us for your free green on any unreferred account for winning 2nd and 3rd place!
Thanks for participating, everyone, it was a lot of fun!
- ZeroPricetags
sandra habina
25-12-2007 17:30:45
NICE CONTEST. Wish I had seen it earlier. What a lovely idea.
All the trees were beautiful.