17-10-2007 19:13:23
Hi everyone,
Just a quick update, haven't done one in a while. Same 'ole, same 'ole around here so there hasn't been a need for one. I just wanted to announce a few things.
First of all, we are proud to announce that we just shipped our 3000th order today! Thank you to everyone who has supported ZeroPricetags and we hope to have 3000 more in the near future!
Second, we wanted to let everyone know if you notice anything different about the front page of ZeroPricetags then don't freak out. We are doing some new testing on some new decisions to try and see if we can get better conversion rates. We will be having a few good concept designs up and recording data so if you refresh three times, you may get three different designs. They will be the same overall but will just have certain things rearranged or removed. Nothing major that you would need to change a tutorial or anything over. In fact, most of them probably will help you out as they may contain our tutorial video which can be found here
Third, we would like to mention our promotion once again for anyone who might not be aware of it
Thank you,
The ZeroPricetags Team
17-10-2007 20:09:50
Good job on that swf tutorial!
18-10-2007 13:14:42
[quote30f822ea51="manOFice"]Good job on that swf tutorial![/quote30f822ea51]
lmao that voice is so so funny. I kept waiting for him to tell me when the MMOOOONNNSTTTERRR TTTRRRUUUCCCKKKKs were going to be at the dome, lol
it is a killer vid though, as usual Jkirk kicks butt.
18-10-2007 13:24:35
[quote2847a6b528="2DollarDeal"][quote2847a6b528="manOFice"]Good job on that swf tutorial![/quote2847a6b528]
lmao that voice is so so funny. I kept waiting for him to tell me when the MMOOOONNNSTTTERRR TTTRRRUUUCCCKKKKs were going to be at the dome, lol
it is a killer vid though, as usual Jkirk kicks butt.[/quote2847a6b528]
hahahahaha i thought the same!
19-10-2007 04:27:53
Thanks, guys, I do get a lot of compliments on my voice. 8)
19-10-2007 08:21:46
i love the new design.... ))
19-10-2007 08:51:12
[quote9c7df20cde="condra"]i love the new design.... ))[/quote9c7df20cde]
I'll second that. lol
19-10-2007 10:24:27
Thank you, Condra and jwwws. ) Condra, where have you been?! I haven't seen you cashing out in a while.