28-07-2007 20:00:17
I'm just going back to freebie again.. and I noticed big differences, ZPTs used to rox my sox but what happened to all the "Instant Credit" offers (
those were the goods! I checked all the offers of ZPTs site... most of them are a day or two ( Will you guys work on this?
28-07-2007 21:30:47
Why does crediting time matter when choosing an offer?
28-07-2007 22:43:41
We wanted to provide a variety of offers and at the moment we are working on a script to credit these 1-24 hour offers instantly. It should be ready by next week a long with some other big changes! Basically, we weighed our options between
A. Less offers, most instant
B. More offers, less instant
Obviously choice B is the better option for the "greater good".
30-07-2007 09:39:44
[quote187a1dfe94="tylerc"]Why does crediting time matter when choosing an offer?[/quote187a1dfe94]
it does matter... everything matters