Updates for 7/18

Live forum: http://forum.freeipodguide.com/viewtopic.php?t=66823


18-07-2007 17:29:56

Hi everyone,[/sizef126662ccf]

Just a few updates for the upcoming dates on ZeroPricetags. Our plans for a new script and layout have been pushed back another week or two. I'm leaving on vacation this Friday and coming back the Sunday after next.

My support guy, Drew, and I will both be leaving for vacation on Friday and each of us will be coming back the weekend after next. In the meantime, I have instructed my other support staff members, Jasmine and Tyler to take over. Tyler will be making payments daily on all orders. To clarify, there will be [bf126662ccf]no delays[/bf126662ccf] on payments while I am gone. Jasmine is the fraud specialist and she will be continuing to do orders at the same pace as always and she will be answering some support tickets.

There may be delays on support ticket responses but they will be answered as soon as possible and within reasonable times. AIM support will also be limited but still be on as much as Tyler can manage it.

I am unsure if I will have internet access, but if I do, you can email me about emergencies or anything of importance at the email below. PLEASE do not email about small issues that can be answered in the support tickets. I hope to be able to check in at least once or twice during the week. I know it's a GMail address, but I have to have one that will be easy to access and not require a mail client or complications.

[bf126662ccf]email=[/bf126662ccf] email=ZPT911@gmail.comZPT911@gmail.com[/bf126662ccf] email=ZPT911@gmail.comZPT911@gmail.com/email

Everyone have a great weekend and I will be here until Friday if there's anything you need for me to take care of before then!


18-07-2007 23:34:41

Doh, was hoping for a promo announcement