12-07-2007 05:36:07
Hi everyone,
It's 830 AM here, I know, bright and early. I pulled an all-nighter adding up over 40 new offers to the ZeroPricetags sites putting us up to over 100 offers! We have a lot of easy trials and be sure to check out the FEATURED offers. They are the best crediting ones and usually the easiest ones to complete!
In other news, we are planning a big change with ZeroPricetags hopefully within the next week. We are expecting downtime but should be no longer than a few hours and it will be conducted in the after hours between midnight and 4 AM EST. We will give you updates ahead of time for that.
A lot of people have been asking what kind of promotion we plan on doing for July, as of now we are still mulling ideas around. We have big plans for August and the last half of July so we should have some surprise promotions and updates for everyone.
All orders are now on the regular same day payment schedule just for clarification. Last weekend we just ran into a little glitch due to the 4th of July.
Have a great Thursday, just one more day till the weekend!
-The ZeroPricetags Team
12-07-2007 10:13:08
I've said it so many times. But.. I love you. D D Great job, thanks for all your hard work!!! )
I'm looking forward to the promo )
17-07-2007 23:52:04
promo promo please D
this is my lastweek for this semester... that means I will have ALOOOOOOOOOOOOOT of time in my hands D