06-07-2007 22:43:17
I have tryed to get the site up them and ordergiftsfree but I keep getting this
Site error the file /home/fsrevolu/public_html/order/license_invalid.php requires the ionCube PHP Loader ioncube_loader_lin_4.4.so to be installed by the site administrator.
07-07-2007 05:09:20
Where do you get this error? I have not come across it yet.
07-07-2007 09:05:00
This was a problem with all the sites using FSR. Try clearing your cookies and cache and going to our sites again. It should definitely be gone.
17-07-2007 14:03:11
Are you guys down again?
The site wont load up for me.
17-07-2007 14:34:01
We are up, what error are you getting?
17-07-2007 21:12:09
i have completed a number of offers on different ZPT sites..however, i am still waiting on credits for offers that were supposed to be "instant" credit. Does this mean that the offers are no longer valid?