Hey everyone,
Please visit our
main page[=http//zeropricetags.com]main page to find out what is going on with
ZeroPricetags[=http//zeropricetags.com]ZeroPricetags. We apologize for this and hope to get it corrected as soon as possible. I will provide my private cell phone number upon request if someone is confused or would like to discuss this matter in relation to their account. Please ask questions.
NOTICE All orders will be shipped today if they were waiting to be shipped when we went down today.
NOTICE ZeroPricetags will go up in full function within the next hour or so when we feel enough people have read the main page announcement.
[quotec635b53cfe]Update Okay, folks, we ran into a little problem. With the setup of our new server, the MySQL was set up incorrectly. Therefore, all activity from the time between our downtime and noon today has been corrupted. Not lost, but corrupted. Here is the procedure we have to do to repair everything. We know this is tough but please bear with us, we did our best to do everything correctly for the benefit of our users but luck was evidently not on our side.
The site is ready to put back up but we want to spread this announcement around for everyone to see.
We have logs of who did offers, so rest assured you will not have to redo them at all NO MATTER WHAT. Anybody that signed up, placed an order, completed an offer, needs to contact us by either support ticket when we are back up
or via email= email=admin@zeropricetags.comadmin@zeropricetags.com email=admin@zeropricetags.comadmin@zeropricetags.com/email
We need accounts to be recreated and we will apply the offers manually for those who received credit.
Again, we have full reports on who did them and who didn't so those who lie will be placed on hold and banned permanently from all ZeroPricetags sites.
IF you signed up for any of the ZeroPricetags sites within the past 24 hours, please resign up again under the correct referral link and please submit this form to us via the email above or support ticket.
1. Offers you completed.
2. When you completed them approximately. (Exact times needed, look in confirmation emails.)
IF you signed up 24+ hours ago, your account should be accessible.
If you completed offers during the 24 hours window, please fill out the form above as well.
If you placed an order within the last 24 hours, please resubmit this order a long with your PayPal address in a support ticket.
Even if it has been fulfilled please submit the order again so we can correct this for our records.
Again, we apologize sincerely for this. We were trying to improve the loading times as per request of everyone but we just had a small relapse. Hopefully we can get this all sorted out and get moved to the dedicated server promptly.[/quotec635b53cfe]