20-04-2007 15:45:55
Hey everyone,
How's everyone doing today? I'm doing good myself, just glad it's Friday! w00t I just wanted to give everyone some updates and some news for the heck of it. Currently, we still do not have any E-gold. Yes, we could probably buy some from someone on TalkGold but frankly, I'm just not risking it. The wire to IceGold was made Tuesday so we are hoping to get it either this weekend or early next week, it all depends on those guys in Estonia. rolleyes Don't worry, they're legit.
In other news, we are hoping to get a new nice feature up this weekend, maybe two if I get time from doing support! We are going to try and make the ZeroPricetags Network more noob-friendly so you won't have to explain [bcdb59febeb]everything[/bcdb59febeb] to them. (I know how it goes lol) We are also mulling around a promotion idea, we just would like some feedback on what the general public would like! We currently have some summer items in mind but we aren't going to reveal it just yet! P Email us or PM us with suggestions on what you think we should do. We are up for poker tournaments, video game tournaments, or old fashion raffles!
We'd like to let users know a little secret about how to contact my staff or I and that is to email us. During the day, I'm not always at the computer but I do always have my cell phone so I can answer emails when I must be away from the computer. My email is admin@lizeropricetags.comli. Of course, erase the stars. lol
We'd also like to mention we hit over [bcdb59febeb]$75,000[/bcdb59febeb] in gifts shipped last night and we've been open a little less than three months! w00t We might have a little explosion of our own coming up soon! We'd like to thank all our members, no really, we mean it. By the way, we also hope some of you saved your proof pictures because you might need those later on. ;)
If there is anything I can do for anyone, please let me know and I will be happy to assist you!
20-04-2007 19:34:34
we should have poker tournaments at OKUSAPoker.com .... thats the site i play at, and it allows USA players to play and make money there