13-04-2007 11:33:10
Hey everyone!
We are proud to announce our fourth site in the ZeroPricetags network,
Gifts.ZeroPricetags[=http//gifts.zeropricetags.com]Gifts.ZeroPricetags is a site that has a variety of different prizes which include some sunglasses for summer, some preorders for a Zune and the new 360 Elite and of course cash! ) Before anyone asks, the preorders for the Zune will be placed with Amazon and if you order the 360 Elite, we cannot guarantee a certain time when we can ship the 360. It all depends on the number of them available in stores. We most likely will have to wait until it becomes available online or at the local GameStop. You can always take the cash equivalent if you find it somewhere local.
One thing that is different with this site is we are not shipping eGold payouts for it [b3bf55fa6c8]unless[/b3bf55fa6c8] you have already cashed out on
Cash.ZeroPricetags[=http//cash.zeropricetags.com]Cash.ZeroPricetags for eGold. We would rather keep all eGold orders with our cash site and it just makes it easier on us.