22-02-2007 16:56:04
Hey everyone!
Long time, no talk, I know! I've been super busy with AIM support and the site. I haven't had much time to update you guys on everything. Big time updates though! I sent a few shipments today and yesterday of PayPal so congrats to everyone who got paid recently. The last few yesterday sent ZPT over 10K in payouts in the first month! Tomorrow marks the one month anniversary and it also marks ZeroPricetags.com turning into the ZeroPricetags Network! ) [ba1d6ad1f55]Yes[/ba1d6ad1f55], I am opening a new site some time tomorrow. It's something that most sites don't offer and I think many of you will enjoy it. No W9 involved either so that rules out a lot of stuff. I figured not too many people want to mess with tax forms but if the demand is big enough that just might be the next site we open. P Anyhow, I wanted to update you guys on manual credits. So far quiet a few have come in for True.com, NY Times and a few others but no word yet on Video Professor or Blockbuster. I'm sorry but I can't do anything to speed up this process. I've eaten more than a few offers and that's about all I can do.
Payments will go out sometime next week. People are finishing orders faster than anticipated so I'm taking out more than enough from the bank to pay out so even though payments may have slowed down, they [ba1d6ad1f55]will not[/ba1d6ad1f55] in the future. There might be another round of payments coming this weekend to fulfill the four or five pending but I have to work out some complications with Amazon in order for that to happen.
If there's anything I can do for you guys, let me know. I will be available on the forums more often and AIM support throughout the majority of the day as always! 8)
unknown uchiha
22-02-2007 17:37:05
[quotef912874eba="JKirk"][bf912874eba]It's something that most sites don't offer and I think many of you will enjoy it.[/bf912874eba][/quotef912874eba]
$500 for just signing up?
Tell us =D
22-02-2007 17:39:53
Free naked women with kegorators.
unknown uchiha
22-02-2007 17:53:51
YESSSSSS I'm signing up ASAP. Let's get a CliOliNliGliA going
22-02-2007 18:56:26
When are you going to offer automatic manual crediting via RU?
22-02-2007 19:06:00
[quote7b9ac7247f="Daggoth"]When are you going to offer automatic manual crediting via RU?[/quote7b9ac7247f]
As soon as they perfect that feature I will have it on my site. I haven't received any updates about that so maybe that question is better directed towards Kelly. P
22-02-2007 19:08:22
[quotea9610674dd="JKirk"][quotea9610674dd="Daggoth"]When are you going to offer automatic manual crediting via RU?[/quotea9610674dd]
As soon as they perfect that feature I will have it on my site. I haven't received any updates about that so maybe that question is better directed towards Kelly. P[/quotea9610674dd]
As soon as I hear an update I will let everyone know D
22-02-2007 20:05:01
Oooooo I wonder what it could be! )
22-02-2007 23:30:20
Ok, its 1 am on Friday where I live....
I don't see a new site. Time to cry myself to sleep.
23-02-2007 00:18:43
OKay well when this site gets up im going to sign up unferred and will be paying people $20 per green if youre interested, let me know.
23-02-2007 01:51:52
I am going to be doing the same thing but will offer 22 Paypal p
23-02-2007 08:23:24
[quote9c9c259a0d="jdizzle314"]I am going to be doing the same thing but will offer 22 Paypal p[/quote9c9c259a0d]
well im going to offer 39 paypal. )
23-02-2007 09:25:50
I already know the new site. And if you offer 39 paypal, you will make a dollar off of each, Smooth move. I am offering 39.99 a ref.
23-02-2007 11:33:41
[quotef03f971016="TryinToGetPaid"]I already know the new site. And if you offer 39 paypal, you will make a dollar off of each, Smooth move. I am offering 39.99 a ref.[/quotef03f971016]
DAMN IT! When is it going to launch?!!!!
23-02-2007 11:35:51
[quoteba3a5a8a53="TryinToGetPaid"]I already know the new site. And if you offer 39 paypal, you will make a dollar off of each, Smooth move. I am offering 39.99 a ref.[/quoteba3a5a8a53]
you got ureself a deal lol lol
23-02-2007 12:22:09
It's going to launch a little later today. Got to give time for the workin' folks to get in on it too, ya know? P
23-02-2007 13:38:38
[quote3220218bcc="JKirk"]It's going to launch a little later today. Got to give time for the workin' folks to get in on it too, ya know? P[/quote3220218bcc]
hehehe yeah <3