25-02-2007 09:49:21
Hey all,
I'm in the process of delveoping concepts for a couple new sites to expand the network in the next two months or so. I've got some great ideas that I have never seen on the freebie scene, and I'm going to be implementing those.
On top of that, however, I want to see what opinions you might have for Ultimate Freebies. What sites would you like to see? What would you like us to do more? Do less? Improve on?
There is no right or wrong answer, just an opinion. Any thoughts or ideas?
05-03-2007 21:01:07
[quote48dee3675a="psbread"]Better referral payout[/quote48dee3675a]
Thanks for your input! )
We will begin to work on that soon, however, since we are a small network that is beginning to get out there, we feel that with our small size, we match our payout rate with excellent customer service, quick replys to support tickets, fast approvals, and soon, more payout times per month.
Many sites have high payout rates, but they also have slow response times, less than excellent support, long wait times, etc. We hope our users will value the quick answers to questions and concerns, AIM support, and fast approval times!
16-03-2007 12:47:05
and faster cashout dates...
16-03-2007 13:34:58
I'm actually going to be adding a few canadian offers tonight )
As far as the cashout dates, this should hopefully change by the next payout or two ;)
Right now, we are working on launching two more new sites, and just got a bunch of makeovers done as well. We are working on adding more unqiue gifts, unique promotion, and other ideas. I really hope this works well!
As always, I value your opinions ) Thanks for giving me your input!
17-03-2007 22:11:21
We have now moved all sites to a $40/ref payout!