01-09-2007 08:13:56
[b413f2bed98]You have a serious crediting problem on your site. Not only did I did I do enough offers on your paypal site to be green. But I referred someone to your coke site last week she did both disney book offers neither one credited. So it seems to be network wide. This is not very encouraging and it doe's not make people want to refer other people to your site. And I know its not the cookie issue as I green fast on other sites. [/b413f2bed98]
02-09-2007 00:02:21
Our crediting system is no different then almost all other freebie sites. The Disney book offers have been completed a lot and many users have been credited. We do our best to improve the crediting, but we can only do so much on our part.
04-09-2007 10:05:27
I, too, have had 2 offers to not show up. I have completed three - yet only the first one I did has credited. I cleared cookies, cache, etc. I am new and just getting started and was trying to complete a green for someone else so I could get paid, now it looks like that will not happen. The two offers that did not credit for me were the children's insurance program and (or bargainnetworks or wisehousebuyer)
04-09-2007 11:21:33
Yes its something strange about some of these sites. They claim its nothing on there part. But they are the ones who deal with the advertisers. If they can't do anything about the advertisers not giving credit then whats the point
of use going through there sites. D
04-09-2007 12:23:41
I, too, have had 2 offers to not show up. I have completed three - yet only the first one I did has credited. I cleared cookies, cache, etc. I am new and just getting started and was trying to complete a green for someone else so I could get paid, now it looks like that will not happen. The two offers that did not credit for me were the children's insurance program and (or bargainnetworks or wisehousebuyer)
04-09-2007 12:53:26
[quotecb04048267="alwaysrkp"]I, too, have had 2 offers to not show up. I have completed three - yet only the first one I did has credited. I cleared cookies, cache, etc. I am new and just getting started and was trying to complete a green for someone else so I could get paid, now it looks like that will not happen. The two offers that did not credit for me were the children's insurance program and (or bargainnetworks or wisehousebuyer)
yes... you already posted that.
08-12-2007 14:29:20
I'm having a lot of problems here too. I've completed Nine offers for this and only Five have credited... These Four extra I've completed were because some of my original ones did not credit.. It's maddening. I should have been green two hours after accepting the trade, but instead, two weeks later, I'm still completing offers to try to finish, yet not getting credit... Other sites give me little to no problems...
29-05-2008 19:55:20
Six months later...........
Still having the same problems. Please, innocent bystanders, don't tell me I don't know how to do offers. Believe me, I know what I'm doing and for some reason, this network gives me a lot of trouble. A LOT of trouble...............
I'm not saying it's a bad network, or anything of the sort, in fact, I love the new layouts and everything, but this lack of crediting is driving me up a wall. This guy isn't going to get his green from me in time for the promotion and I've even done a replacement offer to avoid an MCR that also didn't credit. This Blowz.
31-05-2008 07:17:51
There is nothing wrong with the crediting system. If you have done an offer and that offer does not show up on the MCR form then that means you have popup blocker turned on.
Alot of publishers will not credit the site owners account with popup blocker turned on even if you did do the offer and thus means your account would not be credited as no credit exist in the system.
Go to the credit request form and select which site you did the offer on, it then has a drop down menu to display the offers, if your offer is not there then you had popup blocker turned on and you need to turn it off.