17-06-2007 17:09:18
All offer completions are now in!
So if you do not have credit still please file a proper manual request by tomorrow so i can send it off tomorrow. I don't know how much longer my affiliates will allow manual credits so please file soon.
A proper manual credit means you include the full headers (not the from/to part). If you dont know what headers are go here
You must also include the actual email text.
I will also have all pending manuals from before today processed by the end of next week. I hate to say it but about 75% are going to be denied.
17-06-2007 22:14:28
[quotee9312e6287="Gentoon"]75% will be denied ([/quotee9312e6287]
Most of the company I used are no longer accepting incentive sites or leads. So all leads are being denied by these companies.
As much as I hate denied manuals since I trust most of my customers legitimately did the offers, I have so far had ZERO reversals, and this is a very good thing. Some of these publishers are revoking all leads including valid ones.
17-06-2007 23:32:08
Hopefully 75% really don't get denied. As much as I hope they won't it will probably be higher than 75% =/
18-06-2007 11:06:36
I got my credit! 2dollardeal is the best! ;)