02-08-2009 10:23:16
So I am in Morocco right now. Among the endless questions I have found myself asking, the one I was asking myself today was, "Why does a third-world country have such better cellphones than the United States?"
I have been looking at the phones here and they are compact, hold about a hundred MP3s, have decent speakers, take great pictures, take decent quality videos, have radio, and cost about $100 without a contract.
My question is Can I buy one of these phones and perform some mad hackz on it so I can use it back in the U.S.? They are the usual brands we find back home (Nokia, Sony, etc.) and take SIM cards; I don't need to know immediately how to unlock the phones, but wondering if I can happily buy one of these badass phones without using it as a paperweight when I bring it back to the States. (And I'm aware that unlocking cellphones is pretty commonplace, but I don't know anything about it and don't know if the region that the phone comes from is of any significance--so please forgive my ignorance.)
And in return for this info I'll happily answer any questions about Morocco or regale with stories about this crazy fucking country.
02-08-2009 19:26:00
03-08-2009 20:06:51
Yes u can unlock it, average unlocking prize is like 25 bucks. But most phones from other countries already come unlocked.