Getting a new TV, need advice for a 26 inch or 32 inch

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25-01-2009 11:20:18

Well, long story told in a short way my westinghouse sucks and it is having many problems, so I will be returning it. I am in the market for a new 26 inch or 32 inch TV. I need some suggestions, I do not want to spend more than like $525.

I found this HDTV monitor that is supposed to double as an HDTV set and a computer monitor


My concern is how would standard def look on this tv if plugged into normal cable? I see it has a tuner for HDTV, so I can get normal over the air HD just fine? How about normal standard def channels plugged into coaxial cable? Do I need a QAM tuner for that? I also like this unit because it would make an awesome computer monitor since it is 1080p.


28-01-2009 12:01:05

I was JUST looking at that same monitor on newegg


it may have an HD tuner, but i think you would still need an antenna.



28-01-2009 12:36:59

Hmm, yeah I am trying to figure out if it is a ready to go unit without me needing any other tuners or antennas for watching HD tv when connected to normal in the wall coaxial or standard def.


28-01-2009 17:06:39

You'd need a signal source (i.e. antenna, QAM cable box) for any HDTV tuner, the TV isn't going to pick it up by itself (unless it's a REALLY strong signal).

Standard definition will probably look like crap. Samsung makes good stuff, but computer monitors don't normally have the filters required to make low resolution video look good in full-screen. Even some regular HDTV's still look like crap with an SD signal. Not positive about this model, but it looks like a PC monitor first with an HDTV tuner tossed in as a bonus. Unless you feed it a 1080p signal it probably won't look good at all. Hybrid solutions never work as well as separate dedicated solutions (same as many HDTV sets don't make great computer monitors) -- it's the price you pay for the single-solution convenience.


28-01-2009 17:24:53

[quote734197a6dd="dmorris68"]You'd need a signal source (i.e. antenna, QAM cable box) for any HDTV tuner, the TV isn't going to pick it up by itself (unless it's a REALLY strong signal).

Standard definition will probably look like crap. Samsung makes good stuff, but computer monitors don't normally have the filters required to make low resolution video look good in full-screen. Even some regular HDTV's still look like crap with an SD signal. Not positive about this model, but it looks like a PC monitor first with an HDTV tuner tossed in as a bonus. Unless you feed it a 1080p signal it probably won't look good at all. Hybrid solutions never work as well as separate dedicated solutions (same as many HDTV sets don't make great computer monitors) -- it's the price you pay for the single-solution convenience.[/quote734197a6dd]

Thanks Dmorris, I was afraid of that. I guess I will just pick up a normal tv at my costco when I return this westinghouse.


28-01-2009 20:20:16

While we're at it, once I get my money from MPell, I'm looking at this TV, thoughts?



28-01-2009 20:36:53

[quotea97bdc57fb="tylerc"]While we're at it, once I get my money from MPell, I'm looking at this TV, thoughts?

Samsung is almost always a safe choice in home theater components, they make great products. I'm sure you'd be happy with it. I always recommend people lay eyes on a TV before buying it, but keeping in mind the caveat that not all big-box stores feed their TV's a quality signal to make a fair judgment by. High-end HiFi stores like Tweeter were usually best to lay eyes & ears on stuff, before they closed down. BB & CC are hit & miss.


28-01-2009 20:42:46

Yeah, I have a Samsung 26" now, but I figure if I'm getting some extra money I could get a new TV and sell my other one to offset the cost even more.


28-01-2009 20:45:58

damn, that's a nice tv. i am hoping to find a good 26 or 32 inch replacement for my tv which hit the shithole before 90 days of use. it's going back to the store. i guess you get what you pay for.