13-05-2008 20:37:48
Anyone know how to get these installed (symbols) not sure if I even know what I am talking about but if you have Process Explorer installed and you go to Options | Symbols you can configure it in some way so that the debugging logs become readable?
I would like to do this on an XP machine as well as a Vista machine
point me in the right direction guys!
13-05-2008 20:55:13
The symbols it's talking about are just additional debug info with regards to variable, constants, and function references, and specifically (in PE's case) thread entry points. While theoretically more human readable than raw hex addresses, they still won't mean much to you if you aren't a programmer, and even then won't be much help unless you're debugging your own programs or those that you have the source code for.
That said, to answer your question, you get them from
Microsoft's Debugging Tools for Windows[=http//]Microsoft's Debugging Tools for Windows package. Install and then configure PE as such, according to Help
[quote5ecb0960f9="PE Help"]Configure Symbols on Windows NT and higher, if you want Process Explorer to resolve addresses for thread start addresses in the threads tab of the process properties dialog and the thread stack window then configure symbols by first downloading the Debugging Tools for Windows package from Microsoft's web site and installing it in its default directory. Open the Configure Symbols dialog and specify the path to the dbghelp.dll that's in the Debugging Tools directory and have the symbol engine download symbols on demand from Microsoft to a directory on your disk by entering a symbol server string for the symbol path. For example, to have symbols download to the c\symbols directory you would enter this string
14-05-2008 14:26:32
[quotea033aa848b="dmorris68"]The symbols it's talking about are just additional debug info with regards to variable, constants, and function references, and specifically (in PE's case) thread entry points. While theoretically more human readable than raw hex addresses, they still won't mean much to you if you aren't a programmer, and even then won't be much help unless you're debugging your own programs or those that you have the source code for.
That said, to answer your question, you get them from
Microsoft's Debugging Tools for Windows[=http//]Microsoft's Debugging Tools for Windows package. Install and then configure PE as such, according to Help
[quotea033aa848b="PE Help"]Configure Symbols on Windows NT and higher, if you want Process Explorer to resolve addresses for thread start addresses in the threads tab of the process properties dialog and the thread stack window then configure symbols by first downloading the Debugging Tools for Windows package from Microsoft's web site and installing it in its default directory. Open the Configure Symbols dialog and specify the path to the dbghelp.dll that's in the Debugging Tools directory and have the symbol engine download symbols on demand from Microsoft to a directory on your disk by entering a symbol server string for the symbol path. For example, to have symbols download to the c\symbols directory you would enter this string
That is 100 percent what I was looking for, I had the Symbols path wrong.
Dmorris +karma for you my friend!!!