07-04-2008 18:26:38
I use a program " Moyea FLV downloader"which can download the videos from youtube. It is a free little tool and I enjoy it so much and would like to share it with you here Very Happy
PS If you are interested in it, you can download it from http// to have a try, Smile IT IS FREE!
07-04-2008 18:30:14
So did you actually find this and use it enough to "enjoy it very much" a mere 7 minutes after posting
[quote14b7e9e2f9="carrie_joy"]Anyone else can tell me which program can convert the video I downloaded from youtube? I just want them to be played in my iPod[/quote14b7e9e2f9]
And you're posting from China after registering from a web host in San Diego. Nice.
07-04-2008 18:50:47
ironically, that's the program I use for that activity.
07-04-2008 19:00:46
Doylnea like would share it? Very Much like. You thank.
07-04-2008 19:10:19
Actually, I suppose he used Moyea to download the video, but still wanted to know how to convert it for iPod in the other thread. So I misread that I suppose.
However, the greater issue is with his geographic location and the fact he registered from a webhost proxy, which is bannable. So he stays bant. ;)
07-04-2008 19:14:26
[quote57596126e1="dmorris68"] So I misread that I suppose.
ha, wow, you're really slipping cuz you keep calling him a "him."
Carrie Joy? Come on D, that can't be a more girly name. D
07-04-2008 20:23:13
Apparently you haven't been on the internet -- least of all these forums -- long enough to learn that one can never make an assumption as to another's gender simply from a forum name. Therefore, male chauvinist that I am, I tend to use the generic term "he" when referring to those yet-to-be-determined.
For all I know, you could be a 53 year old, overweight, chain-smoking bald woman drinking PBR while hitting on the ladies (and gay fashion photographers) in here. ;)
07-04-2008 20:40:32
wtf refking. stop instigating what you can't handle.
07-04-2008 20:44:46
for once, doylnea, we can agree.
http//[" alt=""/imgf192af7456]
too much?
07-04-2008 23:52:48
I don't know if you guys know that there are sites (not youtube) that hosts Videos of TV episodes so you could watch it online... could you possibly download that with this program? if not which program can I use?
08-04-2008 03:25:04
[quote487a93cf05="dmorris68"]Apparently you haven't been on the internet -- least of all these forums -- long enough to learn that one can never make an assumption as to another's gender simply from a forum name. Therefore, male chauvinist that I am, I tend to use the generic term "he" when referring to those yet-to-be-determined.
For all I know, you could be a 53 year old, overweight, chain-smoking bald woman drinking PBR while hitting on the ladies (and gay fashion photographers) in here. ;)[/quote487a93cf05]
hahaha, you're hilarious. +Karma D D