the fon router for 360??

Live forum:


21-12-2007 14:39:25

I just got a xbox 360 for xmas from the best freebie owner in the world!

I have the fon router hacked with the hacked fireware, does anyone have instructions on how to setup the fon router to work with my linksys as a access point hooked up to the 360??



21-12-2007 15:19:14

Honestly, wireless Live sucks, better going ethernet.


21-12-2007 15:35:54

ok i shall just use a long cable )


21-12-2007 16:55:47

No, that's not true.
I use(d) the wireless all the time and never had any problems.

It was great because every time I would bring my Xbox 360 to my sisters house, friends house, or cousins house, it would automatically connect me to live.
I never had any connection problems either.
That's just my experience though...


21-12-2007 20:57:18

As far as the fon goes, I tried some of the guides that explain how to get it to work as a network adapter, but I never had any luck. I attributed it to the WPA I have on my wireless, but I wasn't willing to open up my network to anyone for that.


21-12-2007 21:20:29

well I hacked my FON when I first got it, i thought it might be good instead of running a long wire but even running a long wire isn't a problem if it will produce better connection?


21-12-2007 21:25:11

Running a CAT5 is going to get you 100MBps, at best, 802.11G gets you 54MBps (I think).


22-12-2007 09:23:05

Really either way wireless will give you plenty of bandwidth as your internet connection is bound to be the bottleneck in the whole situation. If a long cord isn't a problem to do, I'd go that route as it's just more reliable in general.


23-12-2007 20:41:22

Basically, hack your fon and flash it with dd-wrt firmware. It is much better. Then, just follow a dd-wrt guide on the internet on setting up a wireless bridge with the fon.


27-12-2007 19:29:19

someone asked about this before. I'm pretty sure you can use the router as a bridge to your base station.


28-12-2007 10:20:36

[quote76701eccc2="moola"]Basically, hack your fon and flash it with dd-wrt firmware. It is much better. Then, just follow a dd-wrt guide on the internet on setting up a wireless bridge with the fon.[/quote76701eccc2]'

yeah I hacked it the day I got it with the dd-wrt firmware, works great.

But I just decided to run a cable from my linksys to the xbox, so far so good. When it's rainy out i'll try the FON as a bridge i guess