IMAP + Gmail = Geek's Nirvana

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26-10-2007 22:36:02

If you haven't heard, Google has released IMAP support for all Gmail accounts.

(Excellent guide to setting it up)

I'm excited about this since I have my MotoQ from Sprint that can access Gmail, and it was a pain with Thunderbird, Gmail's web interface, and Mobile Outlook all clashing. If you don't know the advantages of IMAP, read up


May all Google geeks rejoice!


27-10-2007 08:15:51

How does it work with labels?
If it incorporates those too that would be fantastic!
Right now the only reason I go to on my 8525 instead of creating a new messaging inbox in my phone is because I have some things auto-archive and be labeled so my inbox isn't cluttered.
The only way I can see those archived messages is through logging in on the site itself and clicking on a label.



27-10-2007 10:20:26

If you use Thunderbird, the labels will come up as folders. When you get an e-mail, you just drag-and-drop it into any folder and it will get that label in Gmail. You can also write filters for Thunderbird to do this automatically just like in Gmail. Thunderbird also has a threaded-type view similar to Gmail that I found out about from that guide.


27-10-2007 10:59:25

[quote151e55d048="ajasax"]If you use Thunderbird, the labels will come up as folders. When you get an e-mail, you just drag-and-drop it into any folder and it will get that label in Gmail. You can also write filters for Thunderbird to do this automatically just like in Gmail. Thunderbird also has a threaded-type view similar to Gmail that I found out about from that guide.[/quote151e55d048]
Hmm...I'm currently using Microsoft Outlook.
What are the advantages and disadvantages to this and Thunderbird?

The main purpose of me using outlook is also so I can sync my 8525 to it.
Maybe Dmorris could help me out here since he has an 8125 =D?



27-10-2007 11:14:18

Well, I use the MotoQ's internet access to retrieve mail from online, but I also sync to Outlook for my contacts. I think Outlook should give the same functionality as Thunderbird though WRT IMAP.


27-10-2007 11:50:18

How does it work with Microsoft Activesync though?
Right now Activesync just automatically connects to Outlook.
(Where is Dmorris??)
