How to check HDD health. Also, firefox won't open .torrent.

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21-10-2007 02:11:38

I was wondering what program I should use to check the health and total use hours of my hard drives. My C is two crappier 160 gigs in a raid 0. Its been goin for about 3 years now so I want to see if I should replace them before they take a dive and I lose everything.

Completely unrelated

For some reason, in the past couple of days, firefox forgot to tell utorrent to open my .torrenturl==http://=http:///url files. When I click on a file from a website, it saves the .torrenturl==http://=http:///url file where it usually does but it quit actually opening them directly with utorrent so I have to click "Open" in the firefox download manager. Last week it worked just fine. Any suggestions?


21-10-2007 21:56:37

Right-click My Computer, choose Manage and then click Disk Managemrnt. It'll list drives' health there. I also know that Speedfan reports drive health, as does Diskeeper.


22-10-2007 09:36:39

When I worked at the Geek Squad they used the Hitachi Drive Fitness Test which can be found here


And also the seagate seatools tests that can be found here


both tests run outside of Windows and I felt were pretty good. Even with me not working at Geek Squad anymore but doing a side repair i have found them to be pretty good.