Is there a program like YPOPS for Vista?

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16-10-2007 17:06:46

I was just wandering if there is a program like YPOPS for vista.

YPOPS is a program that lets you view your yahoo mail in programs like windows mail, thunderbird, etc....

What , if any, programs are you guys using?


16-10-2007 17:28:58

Outlook does...It automatically configures itself for most mail services. It's pretty cool.


16-10-2007 17:55:31

You could use gmail which will work w/ all mail clients already ;)


16-10-2007 17:56:37

Oh, crap! You're right. Listen to ILT. P


16-10-2007 18:01:30

I know that's how I roll, along w/ an old version of google talk running in the background (to alert me everytime I receive a new email).


16-10-2007 18:22:09

Thats the problem I dont want to change my email to gmail though, or does gmail work with yahoo mail?

Sorry if thats a dumb question


16-10-2007 20:43:35

Gmail can be configured to retrieve POP accessed email accounts, however you would still need to upgrade your Y! account to provide POP access. I switched to Gmail from Y! specifically so I didn't have to pay for POP access.


17-10-2007 05:55:15

Not sure why you prefer Yahoo. But if it's just because you want to keep receiving mail addressed to that e-mail address, you can create a forward rule on Yahoo that sends all mail to another e-mail account (such as Gmail or whatever) and read it from there. So you could have all mail forwarded to a Gmail account and then access Gmail via POP3.


17-10-2007 07:28:23

I only prefer yahoo mail just because every i know has that email. I dont feel like emailing all my contacts and tell them i am changing my email. I will try gmail and tell you what i think. Thanks guys.


17-10-2007 10:12:10

..but you can use your gmail account to automatically retreive your Yahoo email, and still SEND emails via your Yahoo email account from gmail.


17-10-2007 10:37:21

[quote4fb004a802="kelbypayday"]I only prefer yahoo mail just because every i know has that email. I dont feel like emailing all my contacts and tell them i am changing my email. I will try gmail and tell you what i think. Thanks guys.[/quote4fb004a802]
As I explained in my previous post, you can have all Yahoo mail forwarded automatically to another account. You'd never have to login to Yahoo again to check mail. All mail addressed to your old Yahoo address would appear in your new Gmail (or wherever) inbox. So nobody has to learn about your new address, the old one still works.

I own a couple of domains, and have several e-mail forwards hanging off those domains. I also have several Gmail and old Yahoo mail accounts, all with forwarding filters. Then I have e-mail accounts through my ISP. So in other words, I have limanyli different e-mail addresses -- they ALL wind up in one inbox, which currently happens to be on my ISP's POP3 server, while my own mail server is down.