A+ cert study guides?

Live forum: http://forum.freeipodguide.com/viewtopic.php?t=70017


03-10-2007 16:53:57

Any of you guys that have taken the A+ test what are some of the sites that you found useful to study and practice with.

thanks for the help



03-10-2007 17:05:38

Legal or Illegal?


I have the sybex comptia study guide for the 601 +602 test, I also purchased the cbt nuggets diskette and the trainsignal A+ study guide, allow with the pass4sure software tester and the certblaster test engine as well as the testking software tester as well.

I passed the 602 with a 830 and the 601 with a 725.

You can pm me and I'll hook you up on how to get it at a cheap discount D


08-10-2007 19:24:03

I passed the test

thanks topbillin1
