My internet is going slooooooooooooooooooowly

Live forum:

unknown uchiha

23-07-2007 16:17:04

Dear FiPG,

I am currently running a D-Link WBR-1310 router, A1 model, 1.04 firmware.

For my DSL modem, I run a Speedstream 5200.

Anyways, to the point

At first the internet was dreadfully slow, so I simply removed the DSL filter from the wall and all was fine. I got 200, 300+ kbps on my wireless and was zipping along on super low latency on WoW and the like. I could watch streaming video/movies online without trouble.

Then just about two weeks ago, it all ended. I'm back to the dreadful speeds (10-15 kb/s download speed) I had before I removed the filter. Note I also can't find said filter to test out whether or not putting it back in will help.

Any alternate, possible solutions?

Thanks in advance.


If it helps, here's my TCP analyzer results.

[quote2df000dab6="TCP/IP Analysis"]
« TCP Analyzer Results »
Tested on 07.23.2007 1920
IP address

TCP options string 020405ac010303030101080a0081377d0000000004020000
MSS 1452
MTU 1492
TCP Window 358560 (NOT multiple of MSS)
RWIN Scaling 3
Unscaled RWIN 44820
Reccomended RWINs 63888, 127776, 255552, 511104
BDP limit (200ms) 14342kbps (1793KBytes/s)
BDP limit (500ms) 5737kbps (717KBytes/s)
MTU Discovery ON
TTL 49
Timestamps ON
IP ToS 00000000 (0)


23-07-2007 16:54:01

I had similar experiences with my 5200 before I ditched DSL and went fiber. I had to reboot it to get full speed back -- have you tried that?

unknown uchiha

23-07-2007 18:13:57

Reboot the router? As in unplugging/replugging or restarting it from the admin page? If so, yes I've rebooted numerous times =P


23-07-2007 18:49:08

[quote4a2e8018a1="unknown uchiha"]Reboot the router? As in unplugging/replugging or restarting it from the admin page? If so, yes I've rebooted numerous times =P[/quote4a2e8018a1]
Yes, reboot the 5200 either via the web admin page or power cycling. Mine would bog way down after awhile and have to be cycled, then it would work fine for awhile again.

I guess yours is a different problem then.

unknown uchiha

23-07-2007 20:11:31

Yeah I just rebooted via the admin page.

I did a speed test

Download Speed 136 kbps (17 KB/sec transfer rate)
Upload Speed 80 kbps (10 KB/sec transfer rate)

Ugh this used to be at least 10x both ways just 1-2 weeks ago -.-