[quotea76aa042bc="dmorris68"]I've heard of
Trojans[=http//forums.techguy.org/windows-nt-2000-xp/553902-strange-windows-picture-fax-viewer.html]Trojans doing something like this.[/quotea76aa042bc]
There are ways in which I can force the viewer to appear when opening a desktop image, and when it does, it will also say "No preview available", but "browser.exe" doesn't come into play. That, and the reasons below, makes me doubt the malware cause in my case. That had been the first thing I saw claims of, and it prompted me to upgrade my AV, Ad-Aware and get Rootkit Revealer. None of that helped.
In general though, when double-clicking on a desktop image directly, the viewer will appear for a fraction of a second and immediately close. That made me think there's was some issue with permissions or something like that.
[quotea76aa042bc="dmorris68"]If you have Process Explorer from SysInternals handy, try running it then trying again. See if you can tell if Windows is attempting to open anything. The Picture & Fax Viewer process is not actually an .exe,url==http://=http:///url it's launched from a DLL, like so
rundll32.exe C\WINDOWS\System32\shimgvw.dll,ImageView_Fullscreen <image_path>
Process Monitor (the successor to the individual FileMon & RegMon tools from SysInternals) might also help by showing the files accessed, but it's often information overload unless you aggressively filter the results, which can be hard to do if you don't really know what you're looking for.[/quotea76aa042bc]
I hadn't had it installed before, but did now. I used that command line string to open an image, and again, it allows the viewer to stay open with "No preview available". The thing is that I don't know the color coding yet, and a printer monitor comes and goes so fast as well, so I don't know if I'd notice any app open and close that quickly. What should I be looking for?
Here's a quick snagit http//img="514.imageshack.us" alt=""/img514/5504/proexpse4.gif
I don't see anything at issue there, but maybe there wouldn't be.

http//forum.freeipodguide.com/smilies_mod/upload/8da47a6a788bfa3cafaca999fecc915f.gif[" alt=""/imga76aa042bc]