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18-07-2007 16:52:33

I am currently thinking about buying a new laptop. Which one and what specs? Brands that are better! All input greatly needed and wanted! Is it cheaper to do a freebie site to get one? Or just outright buy one?


18-07-2007 16:56:05

Get an ASUS VX2 Lamborghini laptop, or an ACER Ferrari one. Cars're cool...


18-07-2007 17:02:49

Black Mac Book FTW!


18-07-2007 17:06:18

go mac ftw!!


18-07-2007 17:12:18

macbook pro!
or you could go with an HP dv6500

You really need to be specific about what type of laptop youre looking for, what itd be used for, all that stuff.


18-07-2007 17:38:58

get the white macbook with 200gb drive and put in your own 2gb ram ($40 on newegg). it still ends up being cheaper than the black and doesn't get fingerprints, though the black is sexier.


18-07-2007 17:44:33

T-T-T-Tech yourself.


18-07-2007 18:05:09

ThinkPad, ThinkPad, ThinkPad.


18-07-2007 18:50:46

People won't usually agree, but I love my gateway lappy for the price. The specs are great and it doesn't everything I want. Office apps internet viewing and the occasional game it can handle alright.

Never had a problem with it (other than when I screwed it up by messing w/ stuff), and I've had it for about a year, and I don't just sit it on my desk.


18-07-2007 20:14:30

I dont do much on the computer... the basic check email, work on here, write papers, play very little music. I am thinking the cheapest laptop would be the best for me but I have always been told you get what you pay for. But I also don't want a million dollar laptop!


18-07-2007 21:25:31

Toshiba. Best I've owned recently.


19-07-2007 17:07:43

[quote47a16d8fd4="tracemhunter"]get the white macbook with 200gb drive and put in your own 2gb ram ($40 on newegg). it still ends up being cheaper than the black and doesn't get fingerprints, though the black is sexier.[/quote47a16d8fd4]

200GB drive for the Mac Books is 4200 RPM.
