01-07-2007 14:11:11
Sigh, my external drive all of a sudden has stopped coming up on my desktop on my Mac. This might be something a PC user can fix so please read on if you are familiar with this subject. It's a USB 2.0 Iomega HD, it's worked great for the past 1/2 year and I have kept it in an open space so no overheating would occur. It's just not coming up on my desktop, however, when I got to my System Profiler, the information is there.. I can't test it on another computer because I don't have another Mac and the HD is formatted for Mac's only. Any suggestions? I've tried restarting and unplugging and all the basic stuff.
Here's a screenshot of my System Profiler
Any ideas?
01-07-2007 20:13:52
More than likely it died, this is why we buy these backup devices, incase such incidents happen. If its only 1/2 a year old it should be under MFG warranty.
01-07-2007 22:17:12
[quote40891070f7="JOSHBOX"]More than likely it died, this is why we buy these backup devices, incase such incidents happen. If its only 1/2 a year old it should be under MFG warranty.[/quote40891070f7]
Is that what happens when it "dies"? It's still got the power light on and I can still hear it humming normally..
02-07-2007 05:08:00
You could buy my macbook to test it out w/ )
02-07-2007 06:26:42
Maybe the connection between your USB ports and the motherboard are loose. Is your Mac a desktop or laptop? Actually, that doesn't matter. If the physical plugs that connect your USB ports to the motherboard are loose, it could be affecting their performance like this.
Or, it could be a post conflict with another USB device. If you want to test that, you could go into your system manager and uninstall the USB Root Manager (or whatever the mac equivalent is), then reboot and have it detect your ports again. Maybe that will display it again?
One other possibility is that you have burned out the USB port on your external drive, but that doesn't seem very likely as your computer is still recognizing the drive. It might be as simple as replacing the enclosure.
08-07-2007 14:56:52
Now's it detecting and working a little bit but I can't access certain files. Is there any recovery or anything I can do so I can move them to my computer and trash this? Moviemadness, help!
09-07-2007 07:41:37
Sounds like you have a little harddrive corruption going on ... I wish it wasn't formatted for a Mac, because as good as Macs are, when they have a problem ... it is a MAJOR problem.
What error does it give you when you try to access those files? Is it a particular type of file (.jpeg, for example), or certain folders? Or simply random files? Let me know, and I'll see what I can find for you in the meantime.
09-07-2007 13:40:53
It's for the most recent stuff I believe, I've retrieved everything off it except a few albums that I put on there in the past 1-2 weeks. The weird part is, I can access all of the songs in iTunes and they play fine but when I try to grab them, there's usually one song that stops the whole transfer of the album.
09-07-2007 21:22:22
[quote99f225e631="JKirk"]It's for the most recent stuff I believe, I've retrieved everything off it except a few albums that I put on there in the past 1-2 weeks. The weird part is, I can access all of the songs in iTunes and they play fine but when I try to grab them, there's usually one song that stops the whole transfer of the album.[/quote99f225e631]This might seem like a stupid question, but have you restarted your external drive and/or computer since this has happened?
Sometimes if you access the files (like listening to music in iTunes), then you can't move them, even if you close iTunes down. This is especially true if you add only one file at a time, either by clicking on the song itself or adding one song in iTunes and manually finding it. iTunes isn't the only situation this can occur with.
Basically, give your computer and harddrive a restart, and when the system comes up, before accessing any programs, turn on the external and try to move the files. Let me know what that does.