After Dark Screensaver

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12-05-2007 21:59:04

Reaching back into the past here...

I used to hate their screensavers. I almost had flying toaster nightmares, but a Blackbird Powerbook changed my feelings. It was Starry Skyline with added rain. I thought it was damned cool. I could even control how often the light at the top of the main tower blinked. D

Yeah, pretty tame now, but I still like it. )

Sadly, after all these years, I've never ran across a Windows version that had those particular choices. I now get the feeling they might have been Mac-exclusive.

Was that the case, or have I missed something? I'd love to have that on my Windows machines. Even as old as it is, I loved it. I even bootup that ol' Powerbook just to remind myself how cool I thought it was.


12-05-2007 22:02:21

So you are looking for screensavers ... of a starry background? Or that allow you to change aspects like how much the light blinks, rain, etc?


12-05-2007 22:07:26

No, I'm looking for that exact one (well, a windows-ported version), but I'm open to something similar.


12-05-2007 22:23:37

It does exist for Windows, because people liked it, too ... but I am having some difficulty in actually finding working links to it -\


13-05-2007 12:01:30

The Windows versions I had seen, and there were a few, just didn't include this. Which versions are you looking for?


13-05-2007 16:16:58

Supposedly After Dark 4.0 has it ... but like I said, I have yet to find a working download link (


13-05-2007 16:23:41

Dunno if this will help you or not, but it's worth a try




13-05-2007 18:32:18

Helps with knowing what's been released, I guess. I could have swore I tried the 10th Annv. and 4.0 editions and they didn't include it. Been awhile though. Unfortunately all the different screensavers aren't listed for each release. (


13-05-2007 20:25:00

[quote862a76dc92="Tholek"]Unfortunately all the different screensavers aren't listed for each release. ([/quote862a76dc92]
Seems it's only available w/ After Dark for DOS 1.0. You can get after dark 4.0 off any p2p and run it on XP but it won't have the module you want. I love the OS X screensavers in general, I wish the XP ones were as nice.

Taken from http//[]http//
Here is a helpful list of displays so you know exactly which ones come with each product.
After Dark 4.0 (22 displays + Randomizer)
Art Critic / Bad Dog! / CYb3r W@t / Fish World / Flying Toasters! / Guernsey Madness / Hula Twins / Life & All / Magic Turtle / Marbles! / Messages 4.0 / Out 'n About / Points of View / Psycho Deli / Rainforest / Rock Paper Scissors / Rodger Dodger / Shadow Agents / Slow Burn / Swirling Magic / Super Guy / Time Flies
After Dark Deluxe (84 displays + Randomizer)
Art Critic / Bad Dog! / CYb3r W@t / Fish World / Flying Toasters! / Guernsey Madness / Hula Twins / Life & All / Magic Turtle / Marbles! / Messages 4.0 / Out 'n About / Points of View / Psycho Deli / Rainforest / Rock Paper Scissors / Rodger Dodger / Shadow Agents / Slow Burn / Swirling Magic / Super Guy / Time Flies / Artist / Bad Dog / Bogglins / Boris / Bugs / Can of Worms / Clocks / Confetti Factory / Dardevil Dan / DOS Shell / Down the Drain / Draw Morph / Einstein / Fish Pro / Flying Toasters Pro / Flying Toilets / Fractal Forest / Frost and Fire / Geo Bounce / Globe / Gravity / Lunatic Fringe / Mandelbrot / Marbles / Meadow / Messages / Modern Art / Mountains / Mowin' Man / Nirvana / Nocturnes / Nonsense / Om Appliances / Pearls / Photon / Punch Out / Puzzle / Rain / Rat Race / Ray / Rebound / Rose / Satori / Shapes / Slide Show / Spheres / Spin Brush / Spiral Gyra / Spotlight / Stained Glass / Starry Night / Strange Attractors / String Theory / Sunburst / Tunnel / Warp! / You Bet Your Head / Zooommm! / Zot!
After Dark Classic (25 displays + Randomizer)
Bad Dog / Bogglins / Boris / Bugs / Clocks / Fish Pro / Flying Toasters / Flying Toilets / Geo Bounce / Globe / Lunatic Fringe / Marbles / Messages / Mountains / Modern Art / Mowin' Man / Nirvana / Puzzle / Rain / Randomizer / Rat Race / Rose / Satori / Slide Show / Spheres / Stained Glass / You Bet Your Head
The Totally Twisted After Dark Screen Saver (13 displays + Randomizer)
Bungee Roulette / Chameleons / ComingSoon! / Flying Toilets / Franken Screen / Message Mayhem / Mike's So-called Life / Mime Hunt / Mown'Boris / Phlegm Boy / Shock Clocks / Toxic Swamp / Voyeur
After Dark for Windows 95 (45 displays + Randomizer)
Artist / Bad Dog! / Bogglins / Boris / Bugs / Clocks 3.0 / Confetti Factory / Dardevil Dan / DOS Shell / Draw Morph / Fish Pro / Flying Toasters Pro / Frost and Fire / Geo Bounce / Globe / Guts / Logo / Marbles / Messages / Mountains / Mowin' Man / MuliModule / Nirvana / Nocturnes / Nonsense / Om Appliances / Photon / Punch Out / Puzzle / Rain / Randomizer / Rat Race / Ray / Rebound / Rose / Satori / Slide Show / Spheres / Spotlight / Stained Glass / Swans / Tunnel / Warp! / You Bet Your Head / Zooommm!
After Dark for Windows 3.0 (29 displays + Randomizer & MultiModule)
Aquatic Realm / Artist / Bad Dog / Bugs / Clocks / Daredevil Dan / DOS Shell / Draw Morph / Flying Toasters / Frost & Fire / Guts / Logo / Messages / Nirvana / Nonsense / Photon / Puzzle / Rat Race / Ray / Rebound / Rose / Satori / Slide Show / Spheres / Spotlight / StarryNite / Warp! / You Bet Your Head / Zooommm!
After Dark for Windows 2.0 (40 displays + Randomizer & MultiModule)
Aquatic Realm (Fish!) / Can of Worms / Clocks / Down the Drain / Fade Away / Flying Toasters / GeoBounce / Globe / Graph Stat / Gravity / Hall of Mirrors / Hard Rain / Lasers / Logo / Magic / Marbles / Messages / Mondrian / Mountains / Nocturnes / Penrose / Punch Out / Puzzle / Rainstorm / Rose / Satori / Shapes / Slide Show / Sounder / Spheres / Spiral Gyra / Spotlight / Stained Glass / StarryNite / String Theory / Swan Lake / Vertigo / Warp! / WrapAround / Zot!
More After Dark for Windows (26 displays)
Bogglins / Boris / Bulge / Confetti Factory / Dominoes / Einstein / Flocks / Fractal Forest / Guts / Lunatic Fringe / Mandelbrot / Meadow / Modern Art / Mosaic / Mowin' Man / Om Appliances / Origami / Pearls / Rain / Say What? / Snake / Spin Brush / Strange Attractors / Sunburst / Tunnel
After Dark for DOS 1.0 (33 displays)
Aquatic Realm / Atomic / Boris / Can of Worms / Clock / Dominoes / Down the Drain / Fade Away / Flying Toasters / Globe / GraphStat / Gravity / Life / Logo / Messages / Modern Art / Mountains / Mowin' Man / Nocturnes / Punch Out / Puzzle / Ripple / Rose / Satori / Slide Show / Spheres / Spiral Gyra / Spotlight / Stained Glass / [b862a76dc92]Starry Skyline[/b862a76dc92] / Tunnel / Warp! / Zot!

After Dark for Mac 3.0 (32 displays + Randomizer & MultiModule)
Artist / Bad Dog / Bugs / Clock / Daredevil Dan / DOS Shell / Draw Morph / Fade Away / Fish!(Aquatic Realm) / Flying Toasters / Frost & Fire / Guts / Logo / Marbles / Messages / Movies 'Til Dawn / Nirvana / Nonsense / Photon / Puzzle / Rat Race / Ray / Rebound / Rose / Satori / Screen Blanker / Slide Show / StarryNite / Vista (Power Mac only) / Warp! / You Bet Your Head / Zooommm!
After Dark for Mac 2.0 (30 displays + Randomizer & MultiModule)
Bouncing Ball / Can of Worms / Clock / Doodles / Down the Drain / Fade Away / Fish! (Aquatic Realm) / Flying Toasters / Hard Rain / Lissajous / Logo / Messages / NightLines / PICS Player / Picture Frame / Puzzle / Rainstorm / Rose / Satori / Shapes / Skyline / Slide Show / Spheres / Spotlight / StarryNite / StringTheory / Supernova / Vertigo / Warp / Zot!
More After Dark for Mac (28 displays)
Boris / Confetti Factory / Dominoes / GeoBounce / Globe / Graph Stat / Gravity / Hallucinations / Life II / Lunatic Fringe / MAD (More) Fish! / Mandelbrot / Meadow / Modern Art / Mountains / Mowin' Man / Nocturnes / Punch Out / Rain / Ripple / Say What? / Snake / Spiral Gyra / Stained Glass / Terraform / Tunnel / WrapAround
Art of Darkness for Macintosh (10 displays)
Blackboard / Bogglins / Fractal Forest / Major Metaphysical Appliances / Movies 'Til Dawn / Pearls / Proto Toasters / Spin Brush / Strange Attractors / Sunburst
The Simpsons Screen Saver (15 displays + Randomizer; will not run in MultiModule)
Chalkboard / Files / Grampa's Wisdom / Grass Skirts / Homer Eats / How to Draw / Itchy & Scratchy / Krusty / Lisa's Mood Swings / Mr. Burns / Objets B'art / Physics / Simpsons Clocks / Simpsons Trivia / Snowball I
The StarTrekThe Next Generation Screen Saver (13 displays + Randomizer; will not run in MultiModule)
Counselor Troi / Data Dances / Encounters / Nanites / Officer's Review (trivia) / Personnel Files / Science Stations / Starbase / Starfleet Messages / Tachyon Particle Field / The Borg / Warp Effect / Worf's Weapons
The Looney Tunes Animated Screen Saver (12 displays + Randomizer; will not run in MultiModule)
ACME Home Shopping / Cartoons 101 / Conduktor / Desquetoppe D'Amour / Marvin's Invasion / Messages / Michigan J. Frog / Putty Tat Splat! / Rabbitron / Taz Desktop / Wockets Wed Gware / Yosemite Sam
Star Trek The Screen Saver (16 displays + Randomizer & MultiModule)
Brain Cells / Sickbay / Communications (like Message) / Final Exam (interactive trivia game) / Final Frontier (show opening) / Horta / Ship Panels / Spock / Ion Storm (colorful graphics) / Planetary Atlas / Scotty's Files (technical plans) / Sounder (sound bytes from show) / Space (like Fish! with space ships) / The Mission (Kirk on the bridge) / Tholian Web / Tribbles
The Disney Collection Screen Saver (16 displays + Randomizer; will not run in MultiModule; li has music)
101 Dalmatians / Beautyli / Captain Hookli / Cheshire Cat / Digital Ink (old and new Mickeys) / Disney Clocks (Owl, Ducks, Cogsworth [from Beauty], Tron [digital], Mickey, Goofy [runs backwards]) / Donald Paints (has big picture of Mickey from front of box) / Falling Flowersli (from Fantasia) / Goofy / Haunted (old Mickey) / Jungle Book / Little Mermaidli (like Fish!) / Magic Kingdom (has fireworks) / Pinocchio (interactive when you hit Caps Lock) / Scrooge (Donald's uncle) / The Sorcererli (Mickey and the brooms from Fantasia)
Marvel Screen Posters (36 posters; doesn't come with MultiModule, but will run in it)
Spider Man (8) / X-Men (5) / Capt. America (3) / Wolverine (4) / Cable / Sabretooth (2) / The Incredible Hulk (2) / Silver Surfer (2) / Fantastic Four (2) / Iron Man / 2099 / Daredevil & Elektra / Venom & Carnage / Magneto / Storm & Gambit (w/ Wolverine) / The Thing / Avengers / Ghost Rider / Thor / The Punisher / She-Hulk / Silver Sable / The Human Torch
Star Trek Screen Posters (45 posters; doesn't come with MultiModule, but will run in it)
ships/planets/space (19) / movie posters/artwork (9) / Kirk (some with bad guys) (3) / Spock (4) / Chekov / several crew members (5) / Starfleet HQ / Klingons (2) / Khan


13-05-2007 22:04:51

Much thanks for researching that (+KMA). I guess I'm screwed, since I can't find that, nor would I expect to be able to run it on XP, much less Vista.

Shame. cry


14-05-2007 10:50:43

[quote83fc1fc2c5="Tholek"]Much thanks for researching that (+KMA). I guess I'm screwed, since I can't find that, nor would I expect to be able to run it on XP, much less Vista.

Shame. cry[/quote83fc1fc2c5]
I'm sure it's somewhere. it a screen saver you have to purchase?


14-05-2007 11:09:53

It's on emule


14-05-2007 13:08:36

I can probably find it from my other "secret" sources. I'll take a look in a little bit.


14-05-2007 19:52:34

[quote03bb68d15a="Tholek"]Much thanks for researching that (+KMA). I guess I'm screwed, since I can't find that, nor would I expect to be able to run it on XP, much less Vista.

Shame. cry[/quote03bb68d15a]
No problem D, I wanted to see it too since your description of it made me interested.


14-05-2007 21:32:49

[quote36fe6eeec8="TFOAF"][quote36fe6eeec8="Tholek"]Much thanks for researching that (+KMA). I guess I'm screwed, since I can't find that, nor would I expect to be able to run it on XP, much less Vista.

Shame. cry[/quote36fe6eeec8]
I'm sure it's somewhere. it a screen saver you have to purchase?[/quote36fe6eeec8]

Yes, although the business no longer exists. The rights are held by another, I think. Either way, the closest to Windows listed is for DOS.

[quote36fe6eeec8="bruman"]It's on emule[/quote36fe6eeec8]

v1.0 for DOS? Not sure I can do anything with that.

[quote36fe6eeec8="hehehhehe"]No problem D, I wanted to see it too since your description of it made me interested.[/quote36fe6eeec8]

It's not a live picture of Manhattan or anything, but the design really captures the essence of the skyline. Like I said, you could alter the blinking of the lights on top of the tower, and even hear crickets in the background. I guess it was like looking at Manhattan from Queens or New Jersey on a hot summer night. )

Rain was a seperate module altogether, with optional lightning, and could be overlaid Starry Skyline. That was my favorite combo.

If you want to see it, I guess I could video the Powerbook running it someday, but it's in a box atm. I think I explained it pretty well, though.

Not the end all and be all, I'm sure, but I liked it. )