My Laptop is really pissing me off right now

Live forum:


04-05-2007 05:34:57

Okay so ived already sent my computer in 3, yes 3 times to the Circuity City Advantage plan people in order to get

1. My DVD burner replaced/HD (that didnt need replaced but they did it anyways cause they are idiots)
2. MY DVD burner replaced AGAIN since they didnt do it right the first time
3. My motherboard replaced because my HD wasnt working properly when diagnostic testing at my college showed that my HD and MEMORY were working properly.

Now that i've had it back for about a month, my computer frequently runs slow (sometimes my internet programs will take forever to open and even when they are running, they will run reallllyyyy slow and take forever to respond if they respond at all)

Itunes and Limewire may take 2 minutes to open after they have been selected from either my startup menu or desktop via shortcut. Sometimes I have to reboot my laptop for them to even open at all.

My HD light will flash sometimes also (oh and as I just finished the word "also" in this sentence, Limewire finally opened after I clicked it 3 minutes ago).

I dont know what my problem is, ive been running spybot, reboting and doing the occasional defragment but I still dont know what else I can do to get it running better. I have my whole computer backed up on my extermal HD and im considering starting over and just syncronizing it back onto my laptop.

Any suggestions as to what might be wrong with it or anything that I can do to make it run better would be greatly appreciated.



04-05-2007 08:02:09

your slowness is probably due to your p2p programs such as limewire, they are an outlet for viruses and worms.


04-05-2007 09:19:01

Yeah I figured that. Also, all the sudden, my firewall is down. I should put that back up shouldnt I...ha ha.

So if I get rid of the programs such as limewire then I should be fine right? Hopefully so. Is there any programs that I can run to get rid of the trojans and viruses and what not?

What do you recommend?


04-05-2007 10:16:26

AVG Anti virus and Spy Sweeper is my 1 - 2 punch.

Limewire Pro does not suck resources like regular Limewire does... or atleast it seems that way.


04-05-2007 10:21:03

the surest way to remove everything is to back up your shit and reinstall your operating system. Now that you already have viruses on your PC it is much harder to remove them, than if you had prevented them in the first place.


05-05-2007 01:45:07

[quote3bdede3609="JOSHBOX"]the surest way to remove everything is to back up your shit and reinstall your operating system. Now that you already have viruses on your PC it is much harder to remove them, than if you had prevented them in the first place.[/quote3bdede3609]

Couldnt have said that better myself. After you reformat you may want to use Kaspersky its the highest rated Internet Security (anti-virus, phishing, etc..) includeds all of those.


05-05-2007 05:02:23

Format time!