03-04-2007 07:48:28
We are changing our Network IP address here at work, but from what I understand, my individual work IP address will stay the same. Is this going to be a problem with the freebie sites and if so what do I need to do?
Any help is apprieciated.
03-04-2007 07:57:34
For one, I wouldn't log into freebie sites at work. If your work uses a proxy...which it probably does...then your ip will still show up as a proxy..and at work...your individual ip doesn't show up in our database...your external ip address does..the one that will be changing at your work.
03-04-2007 09:28:55
[quote7949292b54="O4F-Manofice"]For one, I wouldn't log into freebie sites at work. If your work uses a proxy...which it probably does...then your ip will still show up as a proxy..and at work...your individual ip doesn't show up in our database...[b7949292b54]your external ip address does..the one that will be [/b7949292b54]changing at your work.[/quote7949292b54]
So if anybody at your work does the same freebie site as you there will be a problem.
If nobody ever does log in then there shouldn't be a problem because most sites that I know of you arnt' limited to 1 IP address per account. You are only limited to 1 account per IP.
That sounds confusing a little but it makes sense right?
03-04-2007 10:59:43
Well, I work at a church, we don't use a proxy, and theres only 5 of us here and the rest of them are convinced that I'm involved in some sort of scam operation doing these. Even after I show them the proof.
So, I guess I just need to open support tickets at the sites and give them the new external IP in an email and see if that will clear it up.
03-04-2007 12:25:39
[quotef659085d6f="mookieb2"]Well, I work at a church, we don't use a proxy, and theres only 5 of us here and the rest of them are convinced that I'm involved in some sort of scam operation doing these. Even after I show them the proof.
So, I guess I just need to open support tickets at the sites and give them the new external IP in an email and see if that will clear it up.[/quotef659085d6f]
What site are you doing?
As long as you are the only person doing the site from the IP address you shouldn't have a problem at all.
I log into my account from three IP addresses.
1. School
2. Home
3. My Girlfriends
I havn't had any problem with doing this at all. There was only one time and it was for a site that my gf was a referral for me.
03-04-2007 14:03:57
Unless you run the internet connection...I wouldn't assume there is no proxy involved. But long as no one else logs into an account at that should be fine.
04-04-2007 09:42:28
Thanks for all the Help. As far as the proxy goes I asked our IT guy specifically if we run on one. He says no so I have to go by his word. I'm submitting for approval in another day, so we'll find out.
Thanks again