25-02-2007 11:40:50
Anyone know how to fix this?
I don't want to select the option to override fonts with my specified ones, and Terminal is installed and displays properly in IE. Both browsers are using Unicode (UTF -8) character encoding. I could increase the text size on the pages to make it readable, but then all the text is way too big.
Oh, and it displays perfectly fine on my work machine. lisighli
IE display
http//i74.photobucket.com/albums/i257/emrldsky/IE_terminalfont.png[" alt=""/imgc9137d5b9b]
FF display
[img="c9137d5b9b]http//i74.photobucket.com/albums/i257/emrldsky/FF_terminalfont.png[" alt=""/imgc9137d5b9b]
27-02-2007 19:27:59
Update to say that I fixed the issue in a roundabout way. I installed greasemonkey and platypus for firefox, and generated a script that replaces terminal with courier new.
03-03-2007 20:01:51
can i have my brain back?
03-03-2007 22:52:45
So is it ok? I will look for a solution if its not...
05-03-2007 12:05:02
[quoted0efed5482="Wolfeman"]So is it ok? I will look for a solution if its not...[/quoted0efed5482]
Yes, it's cool now. ) Thanks! It's not permanently fixed, but I'm running a script in FF that replaces the font with Courier. D
05-03-2007 12:05:44
[quote449d1b3c6b="givmea1032"]can i have my brain back?[/quote449d1b3c6b]
Did I take it by mistake? dance
05-03-2007 12:08:45
Uh oh...double post.. time for a ban....... ;-)
05-03-2007 12:11:40
[quotef105144ee3="TryinToGetPaid"]Uh oh...double post.. time for a ban....... ;-)[/quotef105144ee3]
Did I miss something? As far as I know, that's not double posting...that's responding to two different people in two different posts.
05-03-2007 12:13:09
So if 3 people asked me questions I should make 3 back-to-back threads? ;-)
I am just joking, you didn't miss anything. You can 100-post back-to-back for all I care, but doylnea might have a problem with it...
05-03-2007 12:17:49
[quotec494d207ed="TryinToGetPaid"]So if 3 people asked me questions I should make 3 back-to-back threads? ;-)
I am just joking, you didn't miss anything. You can 100-post back-to-back for all I care, but doylnea might have a problem with it...[/quotec494d207ed]
I saw nothing in the rules stating you can't do that. However, I did see this one
12) When posting or replying, ask yourself if your words contribute to the topic at hand in a meaningful way. If the answer is 'yes', post away. If it's 'no', please save us all the time and do something else.
05-03-2007 12:18:53
Ah so now you are accusing me of threadcrapping.....
Uh huh, this one is gonna turn out nice.....
05-03-2007 12:30:50
Yeah you can let the mods do the moderating...