Tutorial: Usenet and Newsleecher

Live forum: http://forum.freeipodguide.com/viewtopic.php?t=50397


30-12-2006 17:12:11

[b2737861fa4]Part I[/size2737861fa4][/b2737861fa4]

[u2737861fa4][b2737861fa4]What is Usenet and Newsleecher?[/b2737861fa4][/u2737861fa4]

Usenet, for the purpose of this tutorial, is a place where you can download tons of files as fast as your internet can go. You remember that time where you downloaded from Microsoft and you got 600kB/s? You get that all the time on Usenet. And you don't have to upload back or maintain a good ratio like Bittorrent or other peer 2 peer downloading programs. It is also anonymous and safe since the RIAA and MPAA have never tried to delve into the world that is Usenet.

[u2737861fa4][b2737861fa4]What are the disadvantages of this?[/b2737861fa4][/u2737861fa4]

It costs money. Some ISP's like roadrunner have Usenet servers but they are slow and usually have broken up articles and bad retention times (find out more about these later). So you have to buy a [i2737861fa4]premium[/i2737861fa4] Usenet hosting provider (we will also discuss these later).

[u2737861fa4][b2737861fa4]So how does everything work?[/b2737861fa4][/u2737861fa4]

First you need to find a Usenet provider and sign up, this usually entails a charge of around 15$ a month. Second you need to get a program that can read and interact with the Usenet provider. I always use a program called [i2737861fa4]Newsleecher[/i2737861fa4]. Third you need to find a Usenet crawler and the best one out there is something called Newzbin. Finally you just need to get a small, free and easy to use tool called Quickpar. Once you have all these things you can start.

[u2737861fa4][b2737861fa4]What is retention?[/b2737861fa4][/u2737861fa4]

Retention is the time the Usenet provider will let a file stay on there servers, the longer the better. For the most part most files are reposted every 40days at least so a retention time of 40 days is fine. If it is a really popular post it can be reposted as few as 5 days at a time. It really just depends. I use Newshostings 45day retention time and I have never had the desire to buy Giganews 90day retention time plan. It is all up to you. I suggest starting off with Newshostings 45day plan and then going to 90 days if you want it later.

[b2737861fa4]Part II[/size2737861fa4][/b2737861fa4]

Step 1
Install and load up Newsleecher and goto the Manager tab and click the add button.
[img2737861fa4]http/" alt=""/img403.imageshack.us/img="403/1299/usenet1gi8.th.png[" alt=""/img2737861fa4][=http//img="403.imageshack.us/my.php?image=usenet1gi8.png][img2737861fa4]http/" alt=""/img403.imageshack.us/img="403/1299/usenet1gi8.th.png[" alt=""/img2737861fa4]

Step 2
Fill in the information needed. If you are using Newshosting the information should be the same in this picture.
[img2737861fa4]http/" alt=""/img403.imageshack.us/img="403/3739/usenet2mc9.th.png[" alt=""/img2737861fa4][=http//img="403.imageshack.us/my.php?image=usenet2mc9.png][img2737861fa4]http/" alt=""/img403.imageshack.us/img="403/3739/usenet2mc9.th.png[" alt=""/img2737861fa4]

Step 3
Load up Newzbin and search for what you want to download and then open up the post.
[img2737861fa4]http/" alt=""/img403.imageshack.us/img="403/3015/usenet3ms1.th.png[" alt=""/img2737861fa4][=http//img="403.imageshack.us/my.php?image=usenet3ms1.png][img2737861fa4]http/" alt=""/img403.imageshack.us/img="403/3015/usenet3ms1.th.png[" alt=""/img2737861fa4]

Step 4
Newzbin should load up and download the files. They will download to your designated download directory, the default one is C/Program Files/Newsleecher/Downloads/
[img2737861fa4]http/" alt=""/img403.imageshack.us/img="403/5082/usenet4oy7.th.png[" alt=""/img2737861fa4][=http//img="403.imageshack.us/my.php?image=usenet4oy7.png][img2737861fa4]http/" alt=""/img403.imageshack.us/img="403/5082/usenet4oy7.th.png[" alt=""/img2737861fa4]

Step 5
Verify and Check with Quickpar. What we need to do now is just make sure all the files downloaded properly and are in a undamaged state. All you have to do now is just find one of the many .par2url==http://=http:///url files that downloaded with your release and double click it. It should check the whole post and tell you if it is corrupted, in which case you can repair it.
[img2737861fa4]http/" alt=""/img155.imageshack.us/img="155/6269/usenet5wr2.th.png[" alt=""/img2737861fa4][=http//img="155.imageshack.us/my.php?image=usenet5wr2.png][img2737861fa4]http/" alt=""/img155.imageshack.us/img="155/6269/usenet5wr2.th.png[" alt=""/img2737861fa4]
if you need to repair it just click the repair button
[img2737861fa4]http/" alt=""/img155.imageshack.us/img="155/4922/usenet6ht9.th.png[" alt=""/img2737861fa4][=http//img="155.imageshack.us/my.php?image=usenet6ht9.png][img2737861fa4]http/" alt=""/img155.imageshack.us/img="155/4922/usenet6ht9.th.png[" alt=""/img2737861fa4]

Step 6
You are all done! But just like if you where to use torrents or a peer 2 peer program sometimes you don't know what to do with these files. Well, most of these files are usually a Winrar archive so you have to download Winrar to extract the files inside. In which case if they are movie files I suggest downloading the CCCP pack (a great pack of all the codex's and tools you need to watch almost every movie out there on the internet!). There will be links to these at the bottom of this post.

[b2737861fa4]Part III[/size2737861fa4][/b2737861fa4]

[u2737861fa4][b2737861fa4]Usenet Providers[/b2737861fa4][/color2737861fa4][/u2737861fa4]

[b2737861fa4]Newshosting[/b2737861fa4] - The best cheapest Usenet server provider out there. Excellent up time with great and fast courteous customer service.
[b2737861fa4]retention time[/b2737861fa4] 45 days or 70+
[b2737861fa4]price[/b2737861fa4] 45days for 14.95$ per month, 70+ for 19.95$ a month

[b2737861fa4]Giganews[/b2737861fa4] - Best Usenet server provider, but comes at a cost. Premium membership is the only one you should get.
[b2737861fa4]retention time[/b2737861fa4] 90 days
[b2737861fa4]price[/b2737861fa4] 24.95$ per month

[b2737861fa4]Usenetserver[/b2737861fa4] - Offers a 3day trial of Usenet for 3 dollars. If you just want to give it a try great offer here.
[b2737861fa4]retention time[/b2737861fa4] 30 days
[b2737861fa4]price[/b2737861fa4] 3$ for 3 days, 14.95$ per month

[b2737861fa4]Usenet crawlers[/b2737861fa4][/color2737861fa4][/u2737861fa4]

[b2737861fa4]Newzbin[/b2737861fa4] - The best. Really they are amazing this is what 99% of everyone that uses a Usenet crawler uses, and there is a reason why. It has everything including a great customer base, a very good Wiki, and a great search. It costs money though, somewhere around 2$ a month USD. If you are using Usenet I strongly suggest you subscribe for newzbin.

[u2737861fa4][b2737861fa4]Usenet programs[/b2737861fa4][/color2737861fa4][/u2737861fa4]

[b2737861fa4]Newsleecher[/b2737861fa4] - The best, imo, nzb file downloader and overall Usenet reader. This program has so many features it is hard to list them all. There is many others but really nothing tops this one from what I have seen. It is not free though although I have seen some working cracks for it but that is illegal.


[u2737861fa4][b2737861fa4]Usenet providers[/b2737861fa4][/u2737861fa4]
http//www.newshosting.com/ (I'm offering 1$ Paypal if you sign up through my affiliate link)


[u2737861fa4][b2737861fa4]Usenet Crawlers[/b2737861fa4][/u2737861fa4]


30-12-2006 17:13:35

First tutorial ever. I hope my grammar does not kill too many of you guys.


30-12-2006 23:26:01

Very good and thank you.

I edited your post to fix the grammar you were talking about but there wasn't any, mainly just some words needed capitalised.

Much karma. D

EDIT I changed the format a little and made it a little easier to read.


31-12-2006 07:58:23

Great tutorial, but there may be an issue in that Newzbin no longer accepts new signups.


02-01-2007 11:31:06

[quoteb026549963="mikedb"]Great tutorial, but there may be an issue in that Newzbin no longer accepts new signups.[/quoteb026549963]

I saw that article, but one of my friends just signed up the other day and it worked so they got it taken care of.

Thank you TSJ it was really hard to format it and it looks a lot better now.


08-02-2007 23:58:59

hmm this looks interesting. how fast do they get stuff?


09-02-2007 15:45:43

0second most of the time.


15-02-2007 06:29:55

signed up!!! ) and its a very helpful tutorial )


10-03-2007 00:57:48

all you need is sabnzbd[=http//sourceforge.net/projects/sabnzbd/]sabnzbd and this greasemonkey script[=http//www.skizzers.org/sa/SABnzbdMultiClick.user.js]this greasemonkey script


02-04-2007 05:15:24

[quotebc38882b21="mikedb"]Great tutorial, but there may be an issue in that Newzbin no longer accepts new signups.[/quotebc38882b21]


new version of newzbin for those who can't register at the old site. )
www.nzbsrus.com is free also.

Also I would recommend www.usenetserver.com as a provider, I've been with them nearly 3 years and have had no trouble with them. Also they now have 101 day's retention.

hope that helps, Later.


21-05-2007 15:59:42

Is there anyway of getting newsgorups for free?


21-05-2007 16:34:07

There are some free servers out there, but most of the ones that I have found never have complete archives. (


26-05-2007 09:49:54

[quote5259b54ed5="Tholek"]There are some free servers out there, but most of the ones that I have found never have complete archives. ([/quote5259b54ed5]

or binaries for that matter, some isp's offer newsgroupaccess, but most only have a retention of a day or two, and some groups are not available, usually the good ones.