[quote253fed0bff="Fugger"]I'm toying around with asterisk (at least as far as reading about it goes) and I wanted to know if anyone out there has an experience with setting up and using it. What I want to do seems, to me, fairly simple. But then again, I don't know.
I essentially want to use asterisk (or trixbox) in a single user environment. I want a call to come in over PSTN (Q Is it possible for it to come in over a standard phone modem?) and then forward that call out to all registered phones until one of them answers.
Anyone with any ideas? ++Karmels for help[/quote253fed0bff]
Let's break you in slowly and let you get a feel for Asterisk first
Well, as you know from reading about (li), it runs on Linux... So I recommend using it on a computer that is strictly dedicated to it. You could dual-boot, but it's not recommended (you're trying to roll your own PBX... so you want to have your PBX running all the time).
Assuming you've read up on installation procedures on installing Asterisk (which is available on their site)... I'll show you how it works
- First, let's run the Asterisk CLI...
asterisk -vvvvvc
This will run the command line interface for Asterisk... First thing you should do when you run it, is type "help" and to find out more about something, such as SIP (single initiation protocol... it's a voip protocol), type in "help sip"... The help file in there is pretty much self explainatory. Now to shut down Asterisk, type in "stop now" from the CLI.
Now after you get Asterisk running, you're going to want to use a softphone to try it out... I recommend X-Lite
It works on Linux and Windows.
Now, you want to configure FWD and Asterisk to work with eachother... So first you need an account with FWD, here's the link
After you make a FWD account, lets go to the A@H portal (assuming you're using Asterisk at Home)
Click Setup, Trunks, Click Add Trunk, Click Add IAX2 Trunk
Add the following in
Outbound Caller ID Fugger <FWD>
Maximum Channels 1
Trunk Name fwd
PEER Details
secret=(the password you used to sign up at FWD)
username=(your fwd user number again)
USER Context iaxfwd
USER Details
secret=(your fwd password again)
Register String
(your fwd number)(your fwd password)@iax2.fwdnet.net
Then, go to DID Routes, then Add Route... Put this in
DID Number (your fwd number)
Ring Group 1
Almost done here... Next, go to Outbound Routing
... and put this in
Route Name outgoingFWD
Dial Patterns 393|.
Trunk Sequence IAX2/fwd
[b253fed0bff]Your extension for FWD will be 393.[/b253fed0bff]
Now to set up X-Lite, go to the Setup Screen and choose the Default profile
Set Enabled to Yes, Set Display Name to Fugger, Set User Name and Authorization name to your FWD number, Set Password to your FWD password, Set your Domain Realm, SIP Proxy and Outbound Proxy to your Asterisk's IP address. Save settings. Then go to Menu, then Advanced Settings, then Audio Settings, then Silence settings, and enable Transmit Silence (so it's always sending packets regardless of if there is no noise being transmitted on the line).
Everything should be set up, try running the Echo Test from your X-Lite softphone... Dial the extension 393 first, and then 613 (so 393613)... Then speak when it tells you to, you should hear yourself echo.. If so, then you got a working Asterisk box!
As for PTSN numbers, here's what I suggest
http//www.ipkall.com[]http//www.ipkall.com (you'll get assigned a free [425, 206, 253, 360] number to use. This are Washington State PTSN phone numbers.
http//www.calluk.com/fwd/[]http//www.calluk.com/fwd/ (you'll get assigned a free [0870] number to use. This is a British (U.K.) number.
To use a standard telephone, get an analog phone adapter, such as IAXy
http//www.digium.com/images/products/hardware/iaxy_s101i.jpg[" alt=""/img253fed0bff]
That's my recommendation for a beginning li user...
Let's get your Asterisk fully operational first before we dive into the more complex stuff.
If you have any more questions, let me know.