06-08-2006 18:51:30
Welcome to 123StuffForFree.com. We launched our network on September 19, 2005. Since that time we've earned a repuation for quick service and quality support.
Our current sites include iPods, travel, money, satellite radio, gas cards, cameras, chocolates, game systems, and displays. We've given out more than $50,000 in prizes. Our policy is to verify accounts within 1 day and fulfill orders within 7 days.
If you haven't pursued any of our sites yet, talk to someone who has -- and find out what you've been missing.
We look forward to serving you,
Curt & Dave
06-08-2006 18:53:23
Nice to see you've got your own forum going here now.
Anyway, I've had a great free site experience with these guys. Keep it up. ;)
06-08-2006 19:07:19
Congrats, it seems like you guys have deserved it (I've been meaning to getting around to do your sites).
06-08-2006 19:11:56
[quote4166732957="johnjimjones"]Congrats, it seems like you guys have deserved it (I've been meaning to getting around to do your sites).[/quote4166732957]
Please do, I did their iPod site three months after doing Freepay's iPod site and I received 123Stuff's iPod already while I'm still in Processing at Freepay evil
06-08-2006 19:14:58
[quote54fa3fafd5="MyungChunHa"][quote54fa3fafd5="johnjimjones"]Congrats, it seems like you guys have deserved it (I've been meaning to getting around to do your sites).[/quote54fa3fafd5]
Please do, I did their iPod site three months after doing Freepay's iPod site and I received 123Stuff's iPod already while I'm still in Processing at Freepay evil[/quote54fa3fafd5]
Half of the problem is that I don't have the money to pay for referrals.
21-01-2007 02:01:44
I always hear good things about 123 sites! good job! )
29-01-2007 12:05:21
[quoteb1fe19be25="Meads"]Do you ship to the UK?[/quoteb1fe19be25]
Sorry, we are only open to U.S. residents.