04-03-2008 13:18:33
Users, these type of messages are always the hardest to send in life, whether it be regarding a close friend or a business partner. In our case, its both. Our beloved support member, Margot, has fallen ill recently and will be taking an obvious and much needed leave from YourGiftsFree for an indefinite amount of time. We would just like to take this opportunity to wish her all the best, and hope she recovers as soon as possible. All support questions will still be answered by myself or our other support representatives. We send Margot our prayers, and ask that you do the same as well. Thank you.
04-03-2008 13:38:35
I hope you feel better, Margot. (
sandra habina
04-03-2008 13:43:44
My prayers are with you Margot and your family. I look forward to hearing your sunshine soon. Please get well soon Margot. We miss you. God Bless
04-03-2008 19:25:06
come on margot, i'm pulling for you, you can get through this. there's going to be a lot of positive energy coming your way and a lot of prayers so take advantage of them ) we love you, get better soon ) ) )
07-03-2008 13:55:34
[b90fd7edc8a]Thank you so much everyone! I truly appreciate all the well wishes, and prayers.
I'm back but taking it a bit slow. I had a severe adverse reaction to a medication I was given, but am much better now.
Things will be back to normal in support wink
Bless your hearts!
YGF Margot D [/b90fd7edc8a][/color90fd7edc8a][/size90fd7edc8a]
07-03-2008 16:00:15
I hope you feel better take care of your self you will be in my prayers !
sandra habina
08-03-2008 13:56:01
C Barry Smith
15-03-2008 12:02:26
I'm not buying this medication nonsense. I know it's just frustration from not getting back that thing you have been wanting! Ha, ha, ha.
You get um gurl!
Barry with love and prayers.
16-03-2008 10:22:22
[b22d27e3949]You are all so sweet and kind! Barry, I never found it, I swear, and still need your help lol
I truly am much better, but still a bit slower then my normal speedy self ;) Just resting a bit when needed. Other then that, I'm doing very well.
Thank you all so much again!
YGF Margot D [/b22d27e3949][/color22d27e3949][/size22d27e3949]