Live forum: http://forum.freeipodguide.com/viewtopic.php?t=71922


06-12-2007 12:26:33

I would never have believed that a referral could green so fast on allforone!! I am so excited!!

My ref got credit for one of the offers she did, and finally this morning got credit for the other one. But she was still 1/3 credit short. So she went back and did another offer and guess what?! It credited INSTANTLY !!!!!!

Way to go YGF D

sandra habina

06-12-2007 13:41:28

Woot!!! That is great sweetie. Congrats.

Yes it is amazing when offers credit instantly anywhere.

YGF - this promo is the best!!!


06-12-2007 17:06:00

I did it )

Thanks for a great Christmas Bonus, YGF!!!



06-12-2007 20:15:56

No problem everyone )

This forum has better luck or completes it more properly than FLR it seems!


06-12-2007 20:23:28

are you gonna be on aim today? i mean i haven't seen you sign in today which you said you would. i would really like to talk to you.


06-12-2007 21:50:01

In reply to YGF admin post I had a conversation with you on the 5th about my two new refs not getting credit. One is from FLR and is stuck at 1.5. The other is from FiPG and is stuck at 1. Why would users on FiPG have better luck than FLR? Well, in my situation, neither is, except the one from FLR has 1/2 credit more.
Don't want to start anything here but, I have been loyal to YGF since May and was so excited about this promo. I am just a little troubled.


06-12-2007 22:36:30

[quote9f0063c673="justdance"]In reply to YGF admin post I had a conversation with you on the 5th about my two new refs not getting credit. One is from FLR and is stuck at 1.5. The other is from FiPG and is stuck at 1. Why would users on FiPG have better luck than FLR? Well, in my situation, neither is, except the one from FLR has 1/2 credit more.
Don't want to start anything here but, I have been loyal to YGF since May and was so excited about this promo. I am just a little troubled.[/quote9f0063c673]

Probably because people here have been around longer than at FLR, more experienced traders. Not to say that people over on FLR are not experienced, they just get more noobs.


10-12-2007 15:46:05

Got paid $500 +$200 for 2 new refs...Can't be happier! Thanks YGF


10-12-2007 16:15:40

[quotece0df66765="supersponger1979"]Got paid $500 +$200 for 2 new refs...Can't be happier! Thanks YGF[/quotece0df66765]

Congrats! Seems everyone is gettin approved much faster than I ? ..........


10-12-2007 18:43:01

I really like to know what offers they are doing I only need 1/2 credit i can really use this loot !