No, we are NOT a 2 credit site.

Live forum:


28-11-2007 15:16:27

Hey Everyone,

Just wanted to clear up confusion. Most people know us by our innovative and popular $100/ref 2 credit. website. (Which has 0.00-3.00 offers) Some people think that is our only site. That is WRONG. We have been open since March 06 and have about 15 other websites, some of the other sites are points, 1 is $80/ref, some are unique sites like AllForOne, but MOST of our sites are the standard 1 credit site. They are $50/Ref, not $40 like almost EVERY other site. Yes, we pay $50/ ref on our other sites and have the same credit weights as $40/ref sites. With more offers then our AllforOne site. Just wanted to clear up the confusion.. Look for the relaunch tonight/tommorow!