05-10-2007 06:24:05
I just wanted to notify YGF that clicking on the Video Professor offer on the college.yourgiftsfree.com site takes you to columbia house, not video professor. It'd be great if you could get this fixed up, as I'd like to complete the offer.
Thank you.
16-10-2007 16:12:21
I've filed 4 support tickets on apple.ygf since saturday, on offers that redirect to the wrong thing or are dead. Got a response to the one ticket that was read I was told it takes time to fix them and keep clicking "offer dead." Somehow this doesn't seem like a great endorsement for the site ...
16-10-2007 17:30:28
All sites have that problem from time to time. You shouldn't use something like that to judge the merits of a network.
16-10-2007 17:50:23
Most of the times, that is a redirection of the affiliate, not the site owner.
17-10-2007 16:42:52
[quote78556bb595="PhillyJan"]I've filed 4 support tickets on apple.ygf since saturday, on offers that redirect to the wrong thing or are dead. Got a response to the one ticket that was read I was told it takes time to fix them and keep clicking "offer dead." Somehow this doesn't seem like a great endorsement for the site ...[/quote78556bb595]
Hello PhillyJan,
I have answered all of your Support Tickets, up to today, but I do not reply to Dead Offer Reports.
I hope that the Video Professor offer comes back up for you soon.
Thank you so much,
YGF Margot wink