05-09-2007 16:09:50
One of my refs said that none of his offers gave him credits, I know that he did them right too, he has waited for two weeks and is thinking aobut sending in a MCR, but I wanted to come here first to ask the admins of Allforone to see if they could do something for him, here is the message he sent me about the offers he did, and the offers he has done for other sites, which he said that all gave him credits except Allforone.
yourfreeiphone.com - stamps.com
xbox.free4me.net - eBay & Globe Childrens Insurance
360Elite4free.com - Increase My Margin
Gifts.GetStuff4Free.com - AutoVantage & Great Fun
3604Free.com - eAuction Tutor
yourfreevideoipods.com - Zoeta
and than Allforone.yourgiftsfree.com - Cruising4Cash, Driving4Dollars, Liberty Tax Franchise & PsychicRealm (which none of them credited)
06-09-2007 14:59:21
I am sorry that your referral seems to be having such difficulty. Very frustrating indeed when you don't get credit for a offer that you believe you completed correctly, let alone several.
At this point, the only recourse is to submit manual credit requests for them, and hopefully, if completed properly, they will get a positive response. Please note that I have a topic regarding how to complete the MCR form in the proper manner.
Also, all Manual Credit Requests are submitted to the affiliates at the end of each month, on the 30th and then it takes 1-4 weeks to get a reply from them.
Honestly, it sounds as though your referral is having other issues. I realize you state you "know" he/she is doing all of this correctly, and am not doubting that you do know to the best of your ability.
I do have a guide that has helped many, and would love to share it, not only with you, but with others as well. One extra that you and your referrals could benefit from also.
[ua4bbcdf10e][ba4bbcdf10e]Guide to greens[/ba4bbcdf10e][/ua4bbcdf10e]
[ba4bbcdf10e]Possible reasons you many not be getting your greens. Lots of helpful information.[/ba4bbcdf10e][/ua4bbcdf10e]
I can't stress the importance of having your referrals turning in their MCR's correctly, so I do hope you check out the topic I have.
Thank you so much, and the best of success to you and your referrals!
Margot wink
06-09-2007 17:26:04
Excellent guides, I will definitely tell him about them.
18-09-2007 15:48:27
He said that he followed them just as they are written, so what can he do Margot?
He did
Crusing4Cash, Driving4Dollars, Liberty Tax Franchise & PsychicRealm
When I started out on YGF, I did Crusing4Cash, Driving4Dollars, PsychicRealm & eClubUSA, so why did I get credits and he didn't? This is what he told me he did
Open ie, clear cookies and cache, clicked your ref link > signed up > looked at offers > logged out, cleared cookies and cache > closed IE > reopened IE cleared cookies and cache > closed IE > reopened, cleared cookies and cache > signed in on YGF > clicked offer > watched cookies get planted > did offer > watch cookies update on confirmation page > logged out, checked email, cleared cookies and cache > closed IE and repeated for the other offer.
19-09-2007 11:46:51
[quote3428d63bd9="picartman"]He said that he followed them just as they are written, so what can he do Margot?
He did
Crusing4Cash, Driving4Dollars, Liberty Tax Franchise & PsychicRealm
When I started out on YGF, I did Crusing4Cash, Driving4Dollars, PsychicRealm & eClubUSA, so why did I get credits and he didn't? This is what he told me he did
Open ie, clear cookies and cache, clicked your ref link > signed up > looked at offers > logged out, cleared cookies and cache > closed IE > reopened IE cleared cookies and cache > closed IE > reopened, cleared cookies and cache > signed in on YGF > clicked offer > watched cookies get planted > did offer > watch cookies update on confirmation page > logged out, checked email, cleared cookies and cache > closed IE and repeated for the other offer.[/quote3428d63bd9]
My goodness but that is a lot of unnecessary work shock . The cookies and files only need to be cleared just prior to clicking on an offer. That is where you want a clean slate. While on the site at the offers page, clear everything, and after clicking okay, the YGF cookies will reapear, then you click on the offer, complete it all the way through with out clicking on the back button, terms of service etc...
Here is my own guide that I follow.
Guide to greens
1. Click on link.
2. Sign up under your referral.
3. Check out all the offers you are interested in, including the TOS or “terms of service.”
4. Make note of which offer or offers you want to complete.
5. Clear your cookies and files.
6. Check your files by clicking on settings and make sure that all cookies are gone.
7. If not, manually delete them working from the bottom up to the top.
8. Close out the boxes.
9. Allow the new cookies time to load, by watching the lower left of your computer it may count down and then say done. Or be instant.
10. You can recheck the files to make certain that nothing but cookies from the site you are working are in there. If others appear, you may have other tabs open such as Yahoo IM or you e-mail. These must be closed out. The only open tabs should be the FIPG trading forum, and the site your on. Close and start over.
11. Complete your offer thoroughly and slowly making sure that all information is correct. Prior to clicking next on each page, make sure that the page is completely loaded.
12. Stay on the final landing page which thanks you for your order or says something to that effect for a bit to let it settle. 5 minutes should be fine.
13. Repeat these steps if completing another offer.
If you do not know how to clear you cookies or files…..click on tools, click on internet options, click delete cookies…do not check the box that that asks if you want to delete internet files, click ok, click on delete files, click ok. Then you can view your files in the same box, by clicking on settings, and view files. Close the boxes and recheck your files to make sure that only cookies from the site you are working are there. This may seem complicated, but after you have done this a few times, it will become second nature. Never go back a page or click submit more than once. When in the process of completing an offer, if you feel you have made a mistake, and have not entered your payment info and submitted it, simply close it all out and start again.
I hope that helps for the future, but as to now, he will have to submit for MCR's. There very well could be something that is blocking him, that he may not even be aware of. On the other link regarding possible reasons you are not getting your credits, there is a lot of useful information from many sources. Most people, like me, start having crediting issues after about a week or so of doing trades. Most of the problems that cause this are covered in that thread.
Also, if someone has anything they would like to add, please feel free.
Thank you so much,
YGF Margot wink
19-09-2007 15:45:59
He said that he did just as you are telling me, I will show him this guide again so he can make sure that nothing is preventing him from going green