Approved & paid

Live forum:


01-07-2007 12:57:58

I got approved yesterday morning. I thought they paid instantly, but then the site was down all day. Sent an email, no reply yet. Sent a support ticket, but can't see my reply b/c the site is down yet again. Could the admin please get back to me and send my payment? Who knows when the site will be working? It's frustrating and I know it's frustrating for YGF so I'm trying to be patient but I would at least like to know what's going on.

My suggestion you're asking about for improvement would be to get some better equipment, service, whatever. It looks like this site has been down multiple times this month alone. It makes it very hard to get referrals too.

UPDATE Got into site, says I should be paid today. Will let you know.

UPDATE Took about 1 1/2 days from approval to payment, but not complaining as I am paid.