New Policies, Major Updates, A Must Read Annoucement.
14-06-2007 21:20:09
Hi users. As it has been let known, advertisers and affiiates have seen and acknowledged a recent rise in fraudulent activity among completion of incentivized product offers. Fraud is determined to be either submitting false information to a business or signing up for a product with a predetermined mindset to cancel the offer immediately with the sole intention of receiving credit on an incentized marketing website (known more commonly to us as "freebie" websites).
This recent rise in fraud has been noticed by advertisers, and will have subsequent ramifications which will be felt across the entire freebie community.
1.) Various affiliates have taken down numerous offers that were once available.
2.) Most affiliates are no longer accepting manual credit requests submitted by freebie websites. This new policy is NOT limited to just The YourGiftsFree Network, but will now be instituted among ALL freebie websites.
3.) Revocations of past offer completions are expected. Basically, if our advertisers revoke completions from us, we have to revoke the individual's credit as well. However, if you acted in good faith, do not worry about revocations, as they almost solely affect those who did act in a fraudulent manner.
As for how these new policies and announcements will affect YGF, we will continue to operate the business normally, and all offers that are still incentivizable and open to us will be open to all our users for completion as well. As previously noted, manual credit requests are no longer being accepted by affiliates for the time being. So we will not longer take any manual credit requests. Also, any order currently submitted for approval or which will be submitted for approval in the near future will wait to be viewed until revocations of leads are announced by our affiliates. A time frame for this is not currently known, but can be anywhere from a couple of days to two weeks.
As always, feel free to send in support tickets, PMs, or Instant Messages to either myself or YGF Bill with any questions or concerns.
14-06-2007 21:26:17
Also ... as it has been said, PLEASE realize that this is across the board and not something that is just affecting our networks. I am personally affected by this change across the networks, but we cannot do anything about it. I will continue to be the best support person that I can be, however, and the sites will continue to run throughout all of this.
14-06-2007 21:54:24
but YGF will bee the only 1 to make a big deal about it
14-06-2007 21:56:58
[quotef78c43d523="GamersPitOnline"]but YGF will bee the only 1 to make a big deal about it[/quotef78c43d523]
What do you mean? Do you mean we are the only one announcing this? If so, you are wrong. Again, the affiliates decided this, not us. If you have any questions or would like more information feel free to post in this thread.
14-06-2007 21:57:21
[quotee674b441f6="GamersPitOnline"]but YGF will bee the only 1 to make a big deal about it[/quotee674b441f6]Actually, a lot of the other networks have done the same thing. The freebie networks are taking this issue very seriously.
14-06-2007 22:06:58
Does anyone know if this has something to do with Freelunchroom being unavailable? Could this be the beginning of the end?
14-06-2007 22:09:21
damn didnt notice that
FLR stinks
14-06-2007 22:10:03
[quote224c2f74d6="cstone"]Does anyone know if this has something to do with Freelunchroom being unavailable? Could this be the beginning of the end?[/quote224c2f74d6]No. It has to do with all the fraud that has been happening across the networks in recent months.
14-06-2007 22:20:01
[quote213f37c207="moviemadnessman"]Also ... as it has been said, PLEASE realize that this is across the board and not something that is just affecting our networks. I am personally affected by this change across the networks, but we cannot do anything about it. I will continue to be the best support person that I can be, however, and the sites will continue to run throughout all of this.[/quote213f37c207]
How will the sites be able to continue to run through all this when the motivation to work the sites depends on referrals completing offers strickly for the cash and we all know they will be cancelling? If the advertisers don't like this, how can it go on? Does anyone have any ideas as to how this can be a better deal for the advertisers? You can kinda see their point.
14-06-2007 22:22:37
FLR is just updating their trading system.
14-06-2007 22:23:28
[quote1a0b0a65bc="cstone"][quote1a0b0a65bc="moviemadnessman"]Also ... as it has been said, PLEASE realize that this is across the board and not something that is just affecting our networks. I am personally affected by this change across the networks, but we cannot do anything about it. I will continue to be the best support person that I can be, however, and the sites will continue to run throughout all of this.[/quote1a0b0a65bc]
How will the sites be able to continue to run through all this when the motivation to work the sites depends on referrals completing offers strickly for the cash and we all know they will be cancelling? If the advertisers don't like this, how can it go on? Does anyone have any ideas as to how this can be a better deal for the advertisers? You can kinda see their point.[/quote1a0b0a65bc]I don't know. It will be an interesting time these next few weeks, but hopefully the freebie community will be able to bounce back.
Also ... you should technically be doing offers that interest you. We know that users don't do that most times, but it has finally annoyed the affiliates enough that they have taken a stand.
15-06-2007 00:02:38
We've been heading in this direction for some time now.
15-06-2007 05:24:16
[quote998b8a0bd4="cstone"][quote998b8a0bd4="moviemadnessman"]Also ... as it has been said, PLEASE realize that this is across the board and not something that is just affecting our networks. I am personally affected by this change across the networks, but we cannot do anything about it. I will continue to be the best support person that I can be, however, and the sites will continue to run throughout all of this.[/quote998b8a0bd4]
How will the sites be able to continue to run through all this when the motivation to work the sites depends on referrals completing offers strickly for the cash and we all know they will be cancelling? If the advertisers don't like this, how can it go on? Does anyone have any ideas as to how this can be a better deal for the advertisers? You can kinda see their point.[/quote998b8a0bd4]
A number of new procedures will be done across other sites, and some on YGF.
15-06-2007 06:49:29
I have noticed the changes in the last month. Alot of dead offers,offers not crediting as they used to and sites not paying as fast as they did in the past. I do think this is the end of the freebi world that we are used to but it may be good in the long run. I think you will see a drop in the number of traders offering payment on green and the crasy users that even pay up frount to folks with no tr. (now thats just asking for it) We will get less greens but the ones that we get will be solid. Reds will become a very rare thing. Scams will be almost impossible to impliment. Its not going to happen over night and there will be alot of turmoil in the near future. Those that survive the storm thats sure to come will benifit. (Fred)
15-06-2007 07:34:44
From above, I would think that there would be less incentive to complete a YGF site right now. YGF says that orders submitted for approval are not even going to be looked at for some time, and Support says that it is unknown when payments will go out.
The other freebie sites have only announced that they are not accepting manual credits, not that orders or payouts will be delayed.
15-06-2007 07:43:40
15-06-2007 08:28:23
I have three other sites that have been approved and normally pay right away. They all have told me it can be 2-3 weeks. Its not just YGF, its all of them
15-06-2007 09:04:24
I've seen several sites say payout would only take a couple of days longer than usual, not weeks.
15-06-2007 09:07:34
[quote6791d7c002="trusano"]Support says that it is unknown when payments will go out.[/quote6791d7c002]That's only because I don't know what the Admin's schedule is like. That's not to say that they will be delayed, it is only saying that I personally don't know when we will get to them.[quote6791d7c002="GamersPitOnline"]POINT TAKEN!!!!
AS I SAID, YGF WILL MAKE A BIG DEAL[/quote6791d7c002]I think you are making a big deal out of this ... and I think you are only doing it because you are having troubles with the YGF network. We aren't the only freebie site making these changes, so please, stop trying to make it seem that way.
[quote6791d7c002="gator1002"]I have three other sites that have been approved and normally pay right away. They all have told me it can be 2-3 weeks. Its not just YGF, its all of them[/quote6791d7c002]Thank you, gator, for enforcing that point.
[quote6791d7c002="tinkerjenn"]I've seen several sites say payout would only take a couple of days longer than usual, not weeks.[/quote6791d7c002]One last time ... we are almost caught up. Just because I don't personally know when the orders will go out, does not mean that they will be delayed for weeks more. Please remain patient in this trying time.
15-06-2007 09:20:35
The time frame we stated earlier was a rough estimate and, like Gator said, its across the board and happening on all freebie sites. If you have already or will be submitting for approval, do not worry, you will still get paid and receive your gift. We just have to wait to see if our affiliates revoke any leads from us, which in turn equals revoked credits for users.
Again, all users will still get paid, its just a matter of waiting a little bit to see what the affiliates next course of action is.
15-06-2007 19:55:06
Hello all,
If I'm not mistaken, YGF was one of, if not [i12a24f4782]the[/i12a24f4782] first site to make its members thoroughly aware of the situation with the affiliates that has now arisen I honestly would have to applaud them for making such an effort to keep its members informed and up to date, in the most efficient and affective manner possible. I certainly don't see it as them making a big deal of it, and thank them for their efforts.
Margot wink
15-06-2007 20:08:41
^^^What she said )
15-06-2007 22:58:14
As much as I've griped about crediting, I have to give credit where it's due (no pun intended). I have to agree with Margot, that was very considerate of you YGF. You've done us all a community service in announcing those changes as soon as you did.
16-06-2007 00:37:52
Yes, I agree. Thanks.
16-06-2007 17:52:38
No problem everyone, we want our users to know what is happening. Out of the 4 affiliates that no longer allow incentivized traffic, we haven't and wont receive revocations with 2 of them for the month of May. We are still waiting to hear back from the other 2, we will know more Monday.
Also, we have an update on crediting! Our instant crediting script is 95% complete! We are just working on making it universal for all of our affiliates, expect full instant crediting within 7 days or so.
Once we send out these delayed orders and get that instant crediting back we will continue to thrive to regain our instant payouts and our title as the fastest and best freebie website!
16-06-2007 18:46:07
Awesome! Great news. Are you working on our delayed orders today?
16-06-2007 18:58:53
Is there an update of when instant payments will be sent out? What is the estimate as of now?
16-06-2007 19:33:18
[quote89b2130008="cstone"]Awesome! Great news. Are you working on our delayed orders today?[/quote89b2130008]
Not yet, we need to confirm with the other 2 that everything is alright. We will know more Monday.
16-06-2007 22:02:25
[quote91904122ae="YourGiftsFree"]Also, we have an update on crediting! Our instant crediting script is 95% complete! We are just working on making it universal for all of our affiliates, expect full instant crediting within 7 days or so.
Once we send out these delayed orders and get that instant crediting back we will continue to thrive to regain our instant payouts and our title as the fastest and best freebie website![/quote91904122ae]And don't forget, I will continue to do what I can for everyone as far as support goes so that everyone has the best experience that they possibly can with our sites.
I want to thank the users who have been patient with all the changes and delays that have been happening the last few weeks; I really appreciate it.
17-06-2007 00:06:53
I still hope all warks out for the freebie sites, every one that is owners of sites says don't worry but all the vets say don't trade tell it is good. i just don't now what to do.
17-06-2007 00:10:11
ya im the same way, not sure what im supposed to do and now i have ref's coming in left and right and now not sure if i should sit on it or go ahead and get my orders in before its to late
17-06-2007 00:17:05
that is me then i worry about if the refs i do have what about them, this is making me have a bad feeling.
17-06-2007 08:10:29
It should be fine now. The affiliates that are still here and that we use are in good condition!
18-06-2007 17:56:59
There are sites that are now delaying orders until the end of July. YGF's "wait and see" attitude is far better and should be commended. It also says that they aren't going to try and cop out of fairly earned payments like other sites are trying to do.
18-06-2007 19:23:14
[quote403a8c6bf1="skepticalcynic"]There are sites that are now delaying orders until the end of July. YGF's "wait and see" attitude is far better and should be commended. It also says that they aren't going to try and cop out of fairly earned payments like other sites are trying to do.[/quote403a8c6bf1]
I second that. I think YGF is doing a good job. (Though, there are still sites paying out within a few days of approval and I also commend them)
I'll patiently wait for payment from YGF because I know it can't be delayed til the end of next month wink
18-06-2007 20:41:27
so do we have any idea yet when orders will start going out again?
18-06-2007 20:46:24
and They're still waiting on a response from the Affiliates
18-06-2007 20:46:39
As soon as we hear from the affiliates, which should be any time now. Sorry for the delays.