03-04-2007 14:25:53
First, we would like to remind everyone that The YourGiftsFree Network pays out on a $50 per referral ratio, (excluding the Plasmas2 and NoCC websites). This means that if you get one (1) referral, you are able to receive any gift worth up to $50, or just a PayPal payment of $50. Two (2) referrals earns you $100, and so on. This makes us one of the highest, if not THE highest, paying incentive website! Yes, the offers are regular, full and 1/2 credit offers. If you see a half on our site which is a full on a competitors site (depending on their payout ration), let us know and we will match it!
Now, we would like to let you know that we have added the Xbox 360 Elite to http// and http// It requires only 10 referrals! Head over to those sites and check out this newest product!