10-03-2007 13:12:20
Alright, I know most members received thousands of emails from the YGF server and it just so happened to have most members names. I understand the security issue with this and I apologize sincerely, it was a problem with one of the messaging systems we are using. Please post any concerns/questions here. Once again, we are working to fix the problem immediately and for now just blame it on me.
10-03-2007 14:03:59
I didn't have any problem, I've got only message with apologies )
10-03-2007 14:06:45
Good. I tried to cut the script off before it went through all 8 million users )
10-03-2007 14:26:16
I only got the "i'm sorry email" )
10-03-2007 14:41:53
I only got the im sorry email. nice job cuttin it short Jams.
10-03-2007 16:20:52
I got 175+ emails but that's ok, that's why the delete button is there! lol
10-03-2007 17:07:03