YourGiftsFree Heartless Scammers- PLEASE READ! [Resolved]
28-02-2007 21:23:27
Hello guys. I recently got scammed by YourGiftsFree. Now, he is going to reply and make remarks such as "He violated our ToS" which is actually all he knows how to say.
I spent a lot of time getting my referrals done on this site. All of my referrals were legit. Rent was due this weekend so I had one of my friends in my apartment complex help me out and do an offer for me so I could make rent. She was fairly new to the freebie site and I showed her how to clear cookies and she went ahead and went green for me. After she did a 1-credit offer, I logged into my account on her comp. to see if everything went smoothly. Everything credited fine and I went back to my apartment. She told me that she would complete another credit tomorrow (it was getting late that night). So I went to bed and the next day, sure enough, she went green for me.
I got the required number of referrals for this site to get the $300 I needed for rent this week. Well, I was talking to YourGiftsFree on AIM to tell him that I was doing a custom order for $320 (4 referrals). He said ok and everything was good to go. Not 15 minutes later he suspended my account. I asked him what was up and he told me that I am a scammer and I have multiple accounts. Well, of course I don't have multiple accounts. I'm not retarded. I inquired about it and he told me that I logged into my account from an IP address that was the same as one of my referrals.
I gave him my IP and he said "yes, you logged into your account from that IP 97 times but you logged in under the same IP as one of your referrals 1 time, thus committing fraud and implying that you have 2 accounts. Your account will be placed on hold indefinitely."
Well, of course I was devastated at this point. I try to reason with the guy. I tell him that I will fax photo IDs and pieces of mail addressed to each of our addresses to verify identity. He sharply refuses and insists that I am a scammer. I show him that the only time I ever logged onto my account from that IP was one night when only 1 credit was completed. I asked him how could I have two accounts if the other 1 credit was done a day later and I never logged in on that IP?
He never answered. His only response was "you violated our ToS; you have multiple accounts and you will be placed on hold. That is the end of this. Good bye".
At this point I am so frustrated that I get a hold of some of my friends that own these website. Jon from dell.vbux and Jkirk from zeropricetags. Jkirk tries to talk with him and tells him that I had the same referral on his site (of which I never logged into his site under that IP) and that Kristin was indeed a real person. His only response was "he violated our ToS; end of discussion".
Emoney had warned me that Yourgiftsfree were underhanded and would scam me- sure enough, here I am. I provided the guy with inrefutable proof of both of our identities and he simply refused to even let me send any of it. If it were not for the kindness and generosity of my friends at Zeropricetags and V-bux, I would be evicted from my apartment on Sunday.
I am contemplating taking him to small claims court. I have an uncle who is a lawyer and I forwarded him the Terms of Service for yourgiftsfree. He said that nowhere in the ToS does it say that logging in from the same IP automatically constitutes you as having multiple accounts. The truth of the matter is that I don't have multiple accounts and that this website owner is greedy beyond belief. He was actually going to let me be evicted from my place without even hearing my side of the story.
If any of you are interested, I have the entire AIM conversation saved with him. If you would like a copy, please PM me. I would be more than happy to do anything you want to expose this man for what he really is. I even explained to him my rent situation and he said "You won't be paid. It's not my fault you are getting kicked out of your place".
If there is a more heartless person out there, who won't even let a person show his side of the story, show him to me. He has nothing on yourgiftsfree. It's these type of people that really make the good people show through the darkness of humanity.
Take this for what you wish, but this really happened. Have a great day everyone.
P.S. if you want to see what a site owner would do that actually cared about his customers, take a look at this.
http//img="" alt=""/img72/8779/siteownersayingitsokbi9.jpg
Taken this morning.
How are 4 refs $ mean 8 refs or was it plasmas2?
28-02-2007 22:08:00
LoL...i have had a similar expreince but it was only for 50 bucks /....meh..what could you do..YGF is probably broke and needs extra cash himself..By putting people on hold.. /
28-02-2007 22:15:14
Yeah, it was plasmas2. I'm sure he was broke, the v-bux guys told me he was shady and with my situation (since 3 of my referrals did 2.5 credits, and I did 2.5 credits (because we needed quick greens and had to do manual credit for some)) That yourgiftsfree was making a good amount of money off me and would be easier just to scam me; like everyone says, if these sites scam you there is nothing you can do about it.
Oh well, lesson learned- don't do a site that is banned from a4f, there is a reason it was banned. I would like to see him banned from here too. I know jkirk is on my side trying to expose this guy.
Thanks for hearing me out guys. I just don't like to see people get away with hurting others.
28-02-2007 23:10:12
1. Your story sounds legit but im not going to take sides.
2. If you would have done this with a site such as free4me, you probably would have been on hold also
3. This is why I do not make my living/pay my rent and bills just from freebie sites because you never know what could happen (traxio, thefreeproject)
4. I hope that you dont get evicted and that you get this straightened out soon.
5. Im also hope that this doesnt ruin your experience here on this forum
oh and another thing that would help your case is if you got Jkirk and Vbux Jon to post in this thread.
28-02-2007 23:39:41
I am actually having a phone meeting with Jon tomorrow to see what kind of support he can give me. Jkirk already told me that he would back me 100% and he had some of his friends here on fipg talk to yourgiftsfree. YGF wouldn't listen to anyone and refused to listen to any type of reason.
I know I shouldn't pay my bills with this- you see, my job had to cut back hours and I wasn't making enough to pay my rent until I got a new job. I have been doing the freebie thing heavily to make ends meet and it has been working. I didn't know I was going to be treated like this because the other networks have treated me great.
I'll have jkirk and Jon post on here tomorrow to confirm. Jkirk actually talked to YGF and said "yeah, he's greedy and won't listen to anything". I have all my conversations saved with Jkirk as well if any of you like would like to see those.
I know that 123 might have put me on hold but 123 would also at least listen to my side of the story. The only response I ever received from YGF was "you violated ToS" and that is all. He doesn't care if I only own one account or not, he just wants a legal reason not to pay me. I have some family that works for the BBB and one uncle thats a lawyer so I'm going to see what I can get done. His ToS is very loosely worded so he is using that pliability to scam me; however, a lawyer can also use that loose wording in my favor.
I'm just very sad that this had to happen and that an individual could be so stubborn as to not even listen to my side of the story or let me prove my case. It's very un-American and I am very frustrated because of it.
Thanks for hearing me out everyone, and have a great day.
28-02-2007 23:45:12
Before I say this, let me say that I hope you don't get evicted, and everything works out alright.
Whether you are getting evicted or not should have no play in whether you go on hold. That is your own life, and is separate from anything related to YGF. If fact, there is really no reason for you to mention it. I understand that you are just telling people your situation. But it comes across as playing the sympathy card, which will not get you very far.
Sorry if this is a rant, but it seems like every other day someone on hold really needs that payment to stay afloat.
01-03-2007 00:11:38
I know, I just said it because it was actually the case. The man doesn't care that he is playing with other people's lives based on nothing. I wanted to clarify something-
If he actually cared if I had two accounts, it would only take him 10 minutes out of his precious day to see. Kristin (my referral) signed up using all her real information, including phone number. All the guy would have to do is call the number and see who picks up. Kristin would, and then he could ask her for her information to confirm. Then he could call me (because I put my cell phone # in there when I signed up) to verify who I am. Then after that I could fax him photo IDs of both of us, to even further the legitimacy of our identities.
The key words are "if he cared". No where in his ToS does it say that an account put on hold has to remain on hold. His terms say "it is against the rules to have multiple accounts" which I don't have. If he really wanted to check that, besides that IP thing he did (which doesn't prove that anyone has multiple accounts, as my situation clearly shows). Heck, he could even look up her given phone number on and see her name pop up with her registered address!
Do you really think this is some huge, grand, elaborate scheme for one simple referral? No, it's not, and I'm sure most of you know it. The fact of the matter is that YGF doesn't care. He doesn't care that I only have one account; if he can find a reason to not pay me, he's going to find one. I have offered the man countless numbers of way in which we can both prove our identities to him and he is disinterested in any of it. I mean shoot, who would want to admit that they're wrong and have to PAY someone for work they earned? Not an honest businessman.
I am NOT playing the sympathy card. The only reason I brought that up was to reinforce my statement of "heartless" in this thread's topic. He doesn't care that I honestly will be evicted. I tried to explain the situation to my landlord and he doesn't care. I just don't like to see people like this get ahead in life... I like to think that karma exists and I just wish it would happen right now.
As I said, I'll have jkirk and jon post on here first thing tomorrow. You guys have a great night. P.S. I may be a noobie on this forum but I have some experience over on anything4free. My username over there is good_golfer13 in case any of you guys thought I was just some random person complaining. Thanks again for hearing me out.
01-03-2007 03:45:15
Jdizzle, offer fraud will get you on hold. No special exceptions. Do more then once, your gong on hold.
Legolias, Ive explained to you many times. You signed up agreeing if you have an IP on your account that matches another user, you will go on hold. It is the TOS. You violated your agreement. So you will remain on hold. I am sorry for the situation you are currently in, I would still try to talk to your landlord to get an extension. We place accounts on hold for a reason, you need to read the TOS of all sites upon signup, so this cannot happen again. As for some quotes you claim I said, tell the truth.
01-03-2007 04:36:46
I dont know why everyone is always bashing YGF, He just has rules and apparaently no one wants to play by the rules. Then he places you on hold and then everyone starts crying. I have yet to see a crazy hold (unlike other networks), example of a crazy hold not putting in your phone number..... (will get you a hold in free4me). Infact out of all the networks I have done free4me has been the most hold happy network I have seen. Not a single time did I pass approval on the first go around. I have only completed one YGF site mind you, but it was a good experience. And I am sure that when I pursue other of his sites it will still be a great experience.
01-03-2007 05:28:03
logolias, I admittedly haven't read this whole thing because honestly I'm growing tired of them, but if what I did read is correct, you committed a common newb mistake. ALL freebie sites forbid signups from the same IP. You will go on hold on pretty much ANY of them.
Much like a lot of our FiPG newbs fail to read and comprehend the rules of trading and posting here on the forums, they also fail to read and comprehend the general rules by why freebie sites operate, as well as the [ba5a53f5ab0]specific[/ba5a53f5ab0] rules of each and every site they attempt to complete. As such, they have absolutely no grounds for complaint when they are caught in a violation. You don't seem to understand that running a successful freebie site is a time-consuming operation, especially when you're the sold handler of support tickets, credits, payouts, etc. You just cannot take time to "investigate" and "telephone" every single suspicious person, because I can assure you there are dozens if not hundreds of them on a daily or weekly basis.
And playing the sympathy card was kind of lame, if you ask me. I've gone to bat for victims of unfair holds before, but honestly this one doesn't get my spider senses tingling. It seems to be a legit hold to me. I'd suggest you take your medicine and chalk it up to a valuable lesson learned.
01-03-2007 05:35:24
"I dont know why everyone is always bashing YGF" I'm sure it's for a reason. I'd say they have about just as many complaints as freepay lately.
Peter would have listened to what the kid had to say and probably would have taken them off hold. I can think of many situations Peter has done that to be honest. 123 (another great network) doesn't even have that in the TOS. You can log on from other locations. He's offered to show proof to get this all cleared up but instead YGF is taking this the wrong way and exposing himself to more bashing which may not help in in the long run. I guess everyone needs a quick few bucks
01-03-2007 05:40:31
[quote7d008eb80a="cmcalli"]"I dont know why everyone is always bashing YGF" I'm sure it's for a reason. I'd say they have about just as many complaints as freepay lately.
Peter would have listened to what the kid had to say and probably would have taken them off hold. I can think of many situations Peter has done that to be honest. 123 (another great network) doesn't even have that in the TOS. You can log on from other locations. He's offered to show proof to get this all cleared up but instead YGF is taking this the wrong way and exposing himself to more bashing which may not help in in the long run. I guess everyone needs a quick few bucks[/quote7d008eb80a]
FWIW, at least from FiPG's perspective, I've heard more of YGF taking people off hold who had legitimate complaints than I have of Peter doing so.
01-03-2007 05:43:59
That would be the case...on the a4f side you never hear anything good about them. Peter gets nothing but 2 thumbs up always.
01-03-2007 06:01:51
[quote75e45f25fd="cmcalli"]That would be the case...on the a4f side you never hear anything good about them. Peter gets nothing but 2 thumbs up always.[/quote75e45f25fd]
The reason being YGF has some bad history at A4F, so he's somewhat despised over there. It has nothing to do with his site, but his history at A4F prior to him becoming a site owner.
The staff here at FiPG get almost no complaints about YGF, compared to some other sites. Overall his record here has been extremely positive. Before the inrush of newbs during the last few months, there were only a couple of complaints about his site, but YGF seemed to be in the right. With the exception of a few that YGF worked things out with, all the latest ones seem to be from new people who just didn't follow the rules. Virtually none of the "vets" have problems with his site.
And before anyone accuses me of being in his pocket or sticking up for him to protect my accounts, I'll point out that I've pursued only 1 YGF site to completion last year, and haven't touched ANY referral site in months. The staff here at FiPG does NOT play favorites, and if YGF or any other site owner begins to present consistent problems, we would be the first to point it out and take any necessary action to protect our members.
01-03-2007 06:07:32
bad history of scamming that is. Usually scammers don't deserve good treatment. I don't think anyone is playing favorites...TOS are TOS you have to respect that. I'm just saying doesn't look too good
01-03-2007 06:26:36
I understood the rules of his ToS to the best of my knowledge. Please note, I did NOT sign up for my account on Kristin's computer. I merely logged in, once, to tell her if her offer went through. Let's examine his ToS about this issue.
"5. One person may not have more than one account at The YourGiftsFree Network, based on, but not limited to duplicate IP addresses, even if members provide different shipping addresses (based on the same IP address). If a person is suspected of having more than one account, all suspicious accounts will be placed on hold. There is no guarantee that they will ever be taken off of hold."
Show me where it says that if I log in from her computer to check my status before going back home, that I am 100% guilty of having multiple accounts and that my account MUST be placed on hold forever without a chance to prove my case? Can't find it? No, neither could I. When I read the ToS (yes, I did actually read them before I signed up- I was very wary about this whole freebie idea) I took them to the best of my knowledge. Like I said, I haven't been placed on hold by any other site, ever, and have done quite a few.
As you can see, his one and only response throughout this entire situation has been "you violated ToS, you won't get anything". His ToS wording is vague, at best, and can it not be understood that maybe someone would make a small, simple mistake, 1 time just because they didn't understand the vagueness? I made a very small mistake, which is not even definitely outlined- should it cost me $320? I don't think so, and other site owners have already said that what they would do to rectify this situation would just be to take a few minutes for investigation.
It would be one thing if I actually had multiple accounts. But it's an entirely different thing because I don't. I understand that I won't ever get the money I earned, I see that. This is more about the principle than money at this point. I have a lot of friends sticking up for me because they know that this is bull. I have all the AIM conversations saved, again, if anyone would like to see them just give me a PM.
P.S. I would really like to see YGF respond with something that actually takes into account what I have said. The "you violated our TOS" is getting very repetitive and isn't addressing anything that I've tried to compromise with.
V-Bux Dave
01-03-2007 06:53:09
Let me throw my (worthless) two cents in here, cause this guy (YGF) really makes my blood boil.
legalios, you are 100% right. The TOS does NOT say that you can't log in to you computer from the same IP as someone else. So his insistence that "you broke the TOS" is a blatant falsehood, and constitutes fraud.
I have had more than one run in with him, and when the logic of his position breaks down (if there ever was any to begin with), he resorts to simply repeating the same non-answer over and over and saying "end of discussion". He's done it to me more than once, and he's doing it to you.
I deeply regret ever having done a YGF site, and especially regret paying others to do them for me, money which I will likely never recover because his lack of attention to his customers keeps me from finishing the sites. (And after all the public run-ins I've had with him, I strongly suspect he would find a reason not to approve me even if I were able to finish them.)
01-03-2007 07:21:57
If I'm not mistaken, YGF created a status check page so that folks could check their status from anywhere without risking a hold due to where they logged in to their actual account from. I don't know what the status (ha!) of that is, since I'm not currently active on any YGF sites. But it tells me he was attempting to provide a safe way for you to check out your account.
Another thing to consider is that the problem with checking status from your friends/neighbor's IP, ESPECIALLY if immediately before or after they signup themselves and complete an offer, is because it looks like a walkthrough. Walkthroughs, like multiple signups, are standard forbidden practices with all freebie sites, and one of the primary indicators of walkthroughs is having someone complete an offer in your presence. You're proving your presence by the timing of your login from their computer.
Bottom line is -- and any freebie vet will tell you this -- is that you don't take risks like this when completing freebie sites. Just look around the forums. Why is virtually EVERY complaint against YGF (and other sites) from newbies? I'm not bashing newbies, I welcome them, but they have to learn to swim before they dive into the deep end, and too many of you have not been doing that. The freebie vets rarely have a problem, and when they do, it's loudly proclaimed and those sites are blacklisted virtually everywhere. Vets are aware that fraud detection is not an exact science -- site owners must piece together different information and make a judgement call, and most cases of fraud involve similar patterns. So consider that before assuming that because another newbie or three agrees with you, it means you must be right. When we hear vets complaining that YGF (or any other site) is cheating them, we'll pay very close attention.
Now, YGF, I would recommend that if you are intending to DQ folks for just logging in from another member's PC, that you clearly state such in your TOS. While you may have legitimate reasons for doing so, without stating it in your TOS you are inviting these sorts of accusations from folks who don't understand why it would be an issue.
01-03-2007 07:26:14
It is on his main page under User Status.
01-03-2007 07:35:43
Statuscheck wasn't available at the time. That is a new implement.
http//img="" alt=""/img72/8779/siteownersayingitsokbi9.jpg
Just goes to show you the kind of people that are good businessmen.
01-03-2007 07:42:27
When did you get scammed, you posted the 28th- and in your post you said "recently got scammed"....
And status check was released on the 8th.
Posted Thu Feb 08, 2007 1251 pm Post subject Status Check- It is out!
01-03-2007 07:50:53
"5.[bf2d7097c13]If a person is suspected of having more than one account, all suspicious accounts will be placed on hold.[/bf2d7097c13][/sizef2d7097c13] There is no guarantee that they will ever be taken off of hold."
Show me where it says that if I log in from her computer to check my status before going back home, that I am 100% guilty of having multiple accounts and that my account MUST be placed on hold for an indefinite amount of time? Can't find it? No, neither could I. When I read the ToS (yes, I did actually read them before I signed up- I was very wary about this whole freebie idea) I took them to the best of my knowledge. Like I said, I haven't been placed on hold by any other site, ever, and have done quite a few.
As you can see, his one and only response throughout this entire situation has been "you violated ToS, you won't get anything". His ToS wording is vague, at best, and can it not be understood that maybe someone would make a small, simple mistake, 1 time just because they didn't understand the vagueness? I made a very small mistake, which is not even definitely outlined- should it cost me $320? I don't think so, and other site owners have already said that what they would do to rectify this situation would just be to take a few minutes for investigation.
It would be one thing if I actually had multiple accounts. But it's an entirely different thing because I don't. I understand that I won't ever get the money I earned, I see that. This is more about the principle than money at this point. I have a lot of friends sticking up for me because they know that this is bull. I have all the AIM conversations saved, again, if anyone would like to see them just give me a PM.
P.S. I would really like to see YGF respond with something that actually takes into account what I have said. The "you violated our TOS" is getting very repetitive and isn't addressing anything that I've tried to compromise with.[/quotef2d7097c13]
01-03-2007 09:16:55
As for his statuscheck- I was not a member on this board. I am a verified member over on anything4free. Someone wanted me to do a referral over at plasmas2.yourgiftsfree and that is how I got introduced to his site.
I never knew about statuscheck because he is banned at a4f. When I signed up for plasmas2, no where did it say anything about statuscheck so I assumed it was brand new when you guys just started bringing it up. I only signed up over here because YGF isn't banned here and there is actually a spot to post my story.
I'm sorry I didn't know about statuscheck because I wasn't a member on this site at the time of being scammed.
And to the admin that posted above me- I understand the idea of walking through, that's why I told her that she had to do the offer on her own with her own credit card and information. I pointed her to anything4free website to see how it all worked in case she was interested in doing it herself. The only thing I specifically told her how to do was clear cookies and set the internet explorer security settings to accept all cookies. I gave her my referral link and told her to pick out some offers that looked interesting to her. Then I went in her living, watched some TV, and waited for her to finish.
Jkirk told me all about walking through so I was sure not to do this. She said "ok, I did an offer" and I logged in to see if she did everything right. She did, and I went home.
I understand that this might be breaking the ToS now. But the fact that the owner won't even let me try to correct the situation by providing any and all forms of ID is unjust. All the other website owners I've spoken with have agreed that they would let their members confirm their ID if this were to happen.
01-03-2007 10:41:35
Well to tell you the truth you went on hold for logging in from your friends computer plain and simple, i know it may not seem fair but its life i lost $599 from for supposedly having the same password as some users from the UK now tell me ain't that bogus lol but oh well i got over it and i guess you should too 8) since theres obviously better sites out there you can work on
01-03-2007 14:45:08
For clarification, statuscheck was posted on the main page of http//
01-03-2007 20:37:42
Dude...this is a common mistake almost everyone makes...You'll live...
The fact of the matter is that you broke the rules.
This would happen on almost any other site...
I don't see what the point of falsely accusing someone is...You're not getting anywhere. You're wrong.
01-03-2007 21:53:15
You can't call the site a scam because they won't forgive you after you broke one of the most obvious freebie site rules. What you did constitutes a scam more than what YGF has done. I don't think any site would let you off with multiple sign-ups from the same IP.
I am also tired of people saying they need the money for rent. You really should not be doing freebie sites for this month's rent money (well, unless you're really good at it).
02-03-2007 00:10:16
I feel as though none of you guys are actually hearing what I am saying.
Please listen- "I did NOT sign up for two accounts under the same IP"
I didn't. I logged in my account, once, on her computer. That is all. Didn't sign up, didn't pass go, and didn't collect $200. I am well aware that signing up for two accounts under the same IP would be fraud on any website, but I didn't do this. Yourgiftsfree never accused me of doing this either.
02-03-2007 01:11:36
[quote05939ef8b0="legolias"]I feel as though none of you guys are actually hearing what I am saying.
Please listen- "I did NOT sign up for two accounts under the same IP"
I didn't. I logged in my account, once, on her computer. That is all. Didn't sign up, didn't pass go, and didn't collect $200. I am well aware that signing up for two accounts under the same IP would be fraud on any website, but I didn't do this. Yourgiftsfree never accused me of doing this either.[/quote05939ef8b0]
I'm not taking sides in the discussion, but it sounds like you logged in from her computer, which would flag your account as having 2 ip addresses. Then when she created an account and did an offer for you, it was assumed that you were creating another account.
You also said that you knew it was against the TOS, but that you didn't do it and that YGF never accused you of it. However, in the initial post, you wrote
[quote05939ef8b0="legolias"]I gave him my IP and he said "yes, you logged into your account from that IP 97 times but you logged in under the same IP as one of your referrals 1 time, thus committing fraud and implying that you have 2 accounts. Your account will be placed on hold indefinitely."[/quote05939ef8b0]
So it sounds like you did say that he accused you of having 2 accounts, even though you just said that he never accused you of it.
Also, and again I'm not taking sides [as much as it seems that I am] but you also said
[quote05939ef8b0="legolias"]I am contemplating taking him to small claims court. I have an uncle who is a lawyer and I forwarded him the Terms of Service for yourgiftsfree. He said that nowhere in the ToS does it say that logging in from the same IP automatically constitutes you as having multiple accounts. The truth of the matter is that I don't have multiple accounts and that this website owner is greedy beyond belief.[/quote05939ef8b0]
And yet, a couple of your posts later, you quote the part of the TOS that describes your violation
[quote05939ef8b0="YourGiftsFree TOS"]5. One person may not have more than one account at The YourGiftsFree Network, based on, but not limited to duplicate IP addresses, even if members provide different shipping addresses (based on the same IP address). If a person is suspected of having more than one account, all suspicious accounts will be placed on hold. There is no guarantee that they will ever be taken off of hold.[/quote05939ef8b0]
So, by logging into your friend's computer, even to check your status, it was enough to flag your account with her IP, and when she joined shortly thereafter, it was assumed to be your account, and under the TOS, you were found in violation and therefore, your account was placed on hold.
[quote05939ef8b0="legolias"]Show me where it says that if I log in from her computer to check my status before going back home, that I am 100% guilty of having multiple accounts and that my account MUST be placed on hold forever without a chance to prove my case? Can't find it? No, neither could I.[/quote05939ef8b0]
Sadly, it doesn't have to say that. As dmorris said
[quote05939ef8b0="dmorris"]Much like a lot of our FiPG newbs fail to read and comprehend the rules of trading and posting here on the forums, they also fail to read and comprehend the general rules by why freebie sites operate, as well as the specific rules of each and every site they attempt to complete. As such, they have absolutely no grounds for complaint when they are caught in a violation. You don't seem to understand that running a successful freebie site is a time-consuming operation, especially when you're the sold handler of support tickets, credits, payouts, etc. You just cannot take time to "investigate" and "telephone" every single suspicious person, because I can assure you there are dozens if not hundreds of them on a daily or weekly basis. [/quote05939ef8b0]
Site owners have to assume that any violation of the TOS, no matter how small, to be fraudulent, and so while it was an innocent mistake, and may eventually be fixed, the bottom line is that you did violate the TOS.
I'm sorry that this has happened to you, though, and in no way am I siding with YourGiftsFree on this. I haven't done any of their sites; this is just what I've seen. In your defense, though, I think that YGF should allow you the chance to prove that you and your friend are 2 people living in 2 places, since you can obviously provide proof and are in fact willing to do just that.
I certainly hope that you can get this worked out, though. I wish you the best of luck with it.
02-03-2007 06:04:51
Umm next time read seems like you got put on hold and you deserve it. The rules state it, and everyone here at least us vets know not to do stupid shit like that. The game has rules and you dont want to play by them, so you got burned. Move on, ygf deserves to make money too you greedy commi's.
02-03-2007 06:08:17
I see your point movie. One small correction I wanted to make to it-
She created her account before I logged into my account. That was the whole idea of me checking my account to see if her offer she did credited me. That's the only thing I wanted to correct you on. And when I said YGF never accused me of that, what I meant was that he never said to me "You created two accounts under the same IP address, but you logged into your account from the same IP as one of your referrals which is against the TOS"
That is what confused me. I never saw that sentence in the TOS. I just figured as long as I wasn't frauding the guy I would be okay, but apparently. not. I'm still hopeful to get it worked out also, Kristin (my referral in question) let me take her picture yesterday with her license in her hand right next to her face and a piece of mail addressed to her in the other. I'm going to do the same for me and E-mail it to YourGiftsFree and see if he might take a couple minutes to reconsider.
Thanks for the post movie.
02-03-2007 08:11:53
[quotee473e534d2="zwarrior99"]Umm next time read seems like you got put on hold and you deserve it. The rules state it, and everyone here at least us vets know not to do stupid shit like that. The game has rules and you dont want to play by them, so you got burned. Move on, ygf deserves to make money too you greedy commi's.[/quotee473e534d2]
Maybe when you come back in 7 days you'll not be so rude, or antagonistic.
02-03-2007 08:28:12
yo Z don't be so rude man everyone makes mistakes and learn from them so chill
02-03-2007 09:09:06
[quote29ac1fdec3="legolias"]I see your point movie. One small correction I wanted to make to it-
She created her account before I logged into my account. That was the whole idea of me checking my account to see if her offer she did credited me. That's the only thing I wanted to correct you on. And when I said YGF never accused me of that, what I meant was that he never said to me "You created two accounts under the same IP address, but you logged into your account from the same IP as one of your referrals which is against the TOS"
That is what confused me. I never saw that sentence in the TOS. I just figured as long as I wasn't frauding the guy I would be okay, but apparently. not. I'm still hopeful to get it worked out also, Kristin (my referral in question) let me take her picture yesterday with her license in her hand right next to her face and a piece of mail addressed to her in the other. I'm going to do the same for me and E-mail it to YourGiftsFree and see if he might take a couple minutes to reconsider.
Thanks for the post movie.[/quote29ac1fdec3]
As I said before, I'm not taking sides. I apologize for missing that you logged in after, not before, your referral logged in. Sadly, though, sharing the same IP is what got your account this way ? . I think it's a little stupid that you aren't allowed to submit the proof that would clear your name, though. But in the end, sharing IP addresses with a referral was enough, and as unfair as that may seem, it is up to the site owner to be as strict or loose about their TOS as they wish.
Sorry. Maybe it will somehow get fixed though shrug
02-03-2007 11:27:38

http//[" alt=""/img770175a746]
02-03-2007 15:33:38
zr2152, what?
02-03-2007 16:38:39
[quote4c2bf0fa47="YourGiftsFree"]zr2152, what?[/quote4c2bf0fa47]
I think he's just showing people that you paid him.
You have the same ip as another user, learn from your mistakes and start a new network and don't make that same mistake )
02-03-2007 17:19:23
you just have to be careful to only login to your account from home
finding tiny discrepancies and putting on hold is how many of these smaller sites make their money
nothing wrong with it, it's what enables the sites to make money and stay in existence
Also, i'm sure there are so many people who try boneheaded scams to get refs, it's probably frusterating deciding what is legit and what isn't.
the bigger sites have the benefits of doing advertising and getting many people from outside the freebie community who don't generally finish the sites.
It's happened to me plenty. Happened to me on freepay actually and I fought and fought and called their offices and persisted until it got cleared.
its the breaks. sorry dude. he has a business to run though.
there are sites which I won't name that are much more sensitive and freeze accounts for crazy things.
02-03-2007 18:18:26
[quote2bc5b031f5="nytrate"]you just have to be careful to only login to your account from home
finding tiny discrepancies and putting on hold is how many of these smaller sites make their money
nothing wrong with it, it's what enables the sites to make money and stay in existence
Also, i'm sure there are so many people who try boneheaded scams to get refs, it's probably frusterating deciding what is legit and what isn't.
the bigger sites have the benefits of doing advertising and getting many people from outside the freebie community who don't generally finish the sites.
It's happened to me plenty. Happened to me on freepay actually and I fought and fought and called their offices and persisted until it got cleared.
its the breaks. sorry dude. he has a business to run though.
there are sites which I won't name that are much more sensitive and freeze accounts for crazy things.[/quote2bc5b031f5]
Actually freepay didn't care if you logged in to your account on others computers.
02-03-2007 20:28:19
We dont either, as long as its not a ref.
02-03-2007 20:59:56
[quote7b1aa11f9e="YourGiftsFree"]zr2152, what?[/quote7b1aa11f9e]
yeah i couldnt get it to be any bigger for some reason, but i was just showing ppl that you paid me a measely $90, but i put the "no heart symbol" on the side to be sarcastic, sorry if it didnt work.
Im just getting frustrated about all these people bashing you and your site. Im sure it doesnt really hurt your business but it just not right. Youre not going to put someone on hold for no good reason. If they feel like you might put them on hold if you possibly complete your site, then they should ask you if they are okay to go ahead and complete it before they start, like I did )
02-03-2007 21:11:26
[quote3280117a16="zr2152"][quote3280117a16="YourGiftsFree"]zr2152, what?[/quote3280117a16]
yeah i couldnt get it to be any bigger for some reason, but i was just showing ppl that you paid me a measely $90, but i put the "no heart symbol" on the side to be sarcastic, sorry if it didnt work.
Im just getting frustrated about all these people bashing you and your site. Im sure it doesnt really hurt your business but it just not right. Youre not going to put someone on hold for no good reason. If they feel like you might put them on hold if you possibly complete your site, then they should ask you if they are okay to go ahead and complete it before they start, like I did )[/quote3280117a16]
Oh, I see. I was confused because I saw the heart, the resolution center, and my name lol.
03-03-2007 00:44:21
[quoteca1770c469="O4F-Manofice"][quoteca1770c469="nytrate"]you just have to be careful to only login to your account from home
finding tiny discrepancies and putting on hold is how many of these smaller sites make their money
nothing wrong with it, it's what enables the sites to make money and stay in existence
Also, i'm sure there are so many people who try boneheaded scams to get refs, it's probably frusterating deciding what is legit and what isn't.
the bigger sites have the benefits of doing advertising and getting many people from outside the freebie community who don't generally finish the sites.
It's happened to me plenty. Happened to me on freepay actually and I fought and fought and called their offices and persisted until it got cleared.
its the breaks. sorry dude. he has a business to run though.
there are sites which I won't name that are much more sensitive and freeze accounts for crazy things.[/quoteca1770c469]
Actually freepay didn't care if you logged in to your account on others computers.[/quoteca1770c469]
And where is freepay now...... wink
03-03-2007 08:43:05
[quote5314feebb3="YourGiftsFree"]We dont either, as long as its not a ref.[/quote5314feebb3]
Sounds good! Thumps Up!!
04-03-2007 03:06:54
Look at it this way, this is something you'll never let happen again..... I hope! P
04-03-2007 08:30:14
ntfireballs, reduce the size of that sig ASAP or I'll have to do it for you.
04-03-2007 16:52:31
There's never any use fighting, just move on legolias. There's never any reasoning with YGF or COT. They seem to be the most rudest people when trying to talk to them.
It's one thing to be put on hold by a nice, honest admin but when someone or I get placed on hold by an admin who is rude and can only blurt out one excuse and then block you, it really grinds my gears. I don't see why they aren't more professional, you start up a site like this, you are considered a buisnessman. So act like one.
04-03-2007 17:25:59
[quotea551dec063="evodriverdo"]There's never any use fighting, just move on legolias. There's never any reasoning with YGF or COT. They seem to be the most rudest people when trying to talk to them.
It's one thing to be put on hold by a nice, honest admin but when someone or I get placed on hold by an admin who is rude and can only blurt out one excuse and then block you, it really grinds my gears. I don't see why they aren't more professional, you start up a site like this, you are considered a buisnessman. So act like one.[/quotea551dec063]
Actually, I disagree with this.
I'm kind of in the same boat as legolias right now. One of my refs were having a problem with reporting a manual credit, so I went over to their house to help them figure it out, and out of instinct...logged into my own account.
Also, my GF's mom signed up under me, and used the same password as me (I made her a gmail email awhile back to use, and used my PW with it, and I guess she picked it up as her own)...
Anyways, my point is, I talked to him about it, and he's atleast thinking about it right now. If he puts me on hold, I know it was my own mistake, and my own problem. But, he was nowhere near rude about it, and I understand his position on it completely.
It's his job, and every sites like his job to catch people who fraud, so the whole freebie scene isn't ruined for all of us.
04-03-2007 21:33:26
[bda2c545ea2]Jdizzle, offer fraud will get you on hold. No special exceptions. Do more then once, your gong on hold.[/bda2c545ea2]
Legolias, Ive explained to you many times. You signed up agreeing if you have an IP on your account that matches another user, you will go on hold. It is the TOS. You violated your agreement. So you will remain on hold. I am sorry for the situation you are currently in, I would still try to talk to your landlord to get an extension. We place accounts on hold for a reason, you need to read the TOS of all sites upon signup, so this cannot happen again. As for some quotes you claim I said, tell the truth.[/quoteda2c545ea2]
I was out of town and thought i would address this not that i care..pretty much i did do true more than once not knowing what fraud was like YGF..and i was put on hold on his non cc site..and i talk to him on aim and he says i can still do is i do his DYI and he puts on on hold for frauding true when i just got put on hold for non CC site for that..Do you understand what i am saying? Just thought i woudl explain this.. /..but w/e idk some of thing i have learned are that some networks are shayd and some are honest. /
05-03-2007 05:01:46
[b76032e172b]Jdizzle, offer fraud will get you on hold. No special exceptions. Do more then once, your gong on hold.[/b76032e172b]
Legolias, Ive explained to you many times. You signed up agreeing if you have an IP on your account that matches another user, you will go on hold. It is the TOS. You violated your agreement. So you will remain on hold. I am sorry for the situation you are currently in, I would still try to talk to your landlord to get an extension. We place accounts on hold for a reason, you need to read the TOS of all sites upon signup, so this cannot happen again. As for some quotes you claim I said, tell the truth.[/quote76032e172b]
I was out of town and thought i would address this not that i care..pretty much i did do true more than once not knowing what fraud was like YGF..and i was put on hold on his non cc site..and i talk to him on aim and he says i can still do is i do his DYI and he puts on on hold for frauding true when i just got put on hold for non CC site for that..Do you understand what i am saying? Just thought i woudl explain this.. /..but w/e idk some of thing i have learned are that some networks are shayd and some are honest. /[/quote76032e172b]
If you read the rules, you would have known that completing an offer multiple times is offer fraud.
05-03-2007 05:46:52
[quotef52b06e103="Teleboas"][quotef52b06e103="evodriverdo"]There's never any use fighting, just move on legolias. There's never any reasoning with YGF or COT. They seem to be the most rudest people when trying to talk to them.
It's one thing to be put on hold by a nice, honest admin but when someone or I get placed on hold by an admin who is rude and can only blurt out one excuse and then block you, it really grinds my gears. I don't see why they aren't more professional, you start up a site like this, you are considered a buisnessman. So act like one.[/quotef52b06e103]
Actually, I disagree with this.
I'm kind of in the same boat as legolias right now. One of my refs were having a problem with reporting a manual credit, so I went over to their house to help them figure it out, and out of instinct...logged into my own account.
Also, my GF's mother in law signed up under me, and used the same password as me (I made her a gmail email awhile back to use, and used my PW with it, and I guess she picked it up as her own)...
Anyways, my point is, I talked to him about it, and he's atleast thinking about it right now. If he puts me on hold, I know it was my own mistake, and my own problem. But, he was nowhere near rude about it, and I understand his position on it completely.
It's his job, and every sites like his job to catch people who fraud, so the whole freebie scene isn't ruined for all of us.[/quotef52b06e103]
+Karma for the great attitude about it. I wish more people would understand the errors of their ways and not hold it against site owners for enforcing their terms.
05-03-2007 06:59:53
[b3e0c574f4e]Jdizzle, offer fraud will get you on hold. No special exceptions. Do more then once, your gong on hold.[/b3e0c574f4e]
Legolias, Ive explained to you many times. You signed up agreeing if you have an IP on your account that matches another user, you will go on hold. It is the TOS. You violated your agreement. So you will remain on hold. I am sorry for the situation you are currently in, I would still try to talk to your landlord to get an extension. We place accounts on hold for a reason, you need to read the TOS of all sites upon signup, so this cannot happen again. As for some quotes you claim I said, tell the truth.[/quote3e0c574f4e]
I was out of town and thought i would address this not that i care..pretty much i did do true more than once not knowing what fraud was like YGF..and i was put on hold on his non cc site..and i talk to him on aim and he says i can still do is i do his DYI and he puts on on hold for frauding true when i just got put on hold for non CC site for that..Do you understand what i am saying? Just thought i woudl explain this.. /..but w/e idk some of thing i have learned are that some networks are shayd and some are honest. /[/quote3e0c574f4e]
If you read the rules, you would have known that completing an offer multiple times is offer fraud.[/quote3e0c574f4e]
Umm did you even read what i typed....Its like saying u fraded Trainn network unknowingly u get on hold for a 150 payemtn fromt there site and you learn your lesson..and later u talk to the admin and he says you can still do his sites just dont fraud..and a toatlly new offer comes out and he puts me on hold for past offecnseive of frauding an offer. Get what i am saying. Its like a network putting YGF on hold for frauding years ago. w/e idk have a nice day people )
05-03-2007 08:56:47
Again, if you fraud an offer you will go on hold. You did true twice and will remain on hold, this issue is closed.
05-03-2007 09:10:39
A couple things bother me about YGF...... and I'm not talking about his past since that has been beaten to death and I do believe some people have the ability to change their ways....
1. I did an offer on LCDS.YOURGIFTSFREE.COM, I completed the offer which I read was for 2 refs according to the little box with the description. I was told different on AIM stating it was just 1 referral and that was a mistake by the person who made the script.
I didn't really care for that personally, even though that could have been the case and it's just a little typo or error, I felt it wasn't right at all. I understand most of you guys who do YGF sites know this already but I didn't due to the fact that I don't do his sites that often... I kind of felt used in a sense but not angry enough to make a huge issue about it.
2. The raffle that he had to me wasn't done correctly, I had no idea that users who participated have the ability to get multiple refs if they get others to complete the same offer, I felt used and I was upset by that. It wasn't stated in the terms and some of us who don't visit YGF sites or know much about them wouldn't know that and that really bothered me...
I know YGF is legit and if you don't fraud you will receive your gift but I think some of his tactics need to be improved and I chosen no to participate anymore in his sites.
05-03-2007 09:53:56
I'm sorry you have concerns with our site, I'd like to adress them for you.
1.Gate says 2 credits, not refs. It says 2 for our plasmas2 site. Since the script connects all offers with all sites.
2. I should have made it more clear, but anyone who asked me, I told.
05-03-2007 15:21:46
[quotecd4534a833="YourGiftsFree"]Again, if you fraud an offer you will go on hold. You did true twice and will remain on hold, this issue is closed.[/quotecd4534a833]
IDK about the moneyi am proving a point and you are clearly avoiding it roll
06-03-2007 21:00:40
[quoteecf711af6b="nytrate"]you just have to be careful to only login to your account from home
finding tiny discrepancies and putting on hold is how many of these smaller sites make their money
nothing wrong with it, it's what enables the sites to make money and stay in existence
Also, i'm sure there are so many people who try boneheaded scams to get refs, it's probably frusterating deciding what is legit and what isn't.
the bigger sites have the benefits of doing advertising and getting many people from outside the freebie community who don't generally finish the sites.
It's happened to me plenty. Happened to me on freepay actually and I fought and fought and called their offices and persisted until it got cleared.
its the breaks. sorry dude. he has a business to run though.
there are sites which I won't name that are much more sensitive and freeze accounts for crazy things.[/quoteecf711af6b]
Well I agree with the better part of this post, I do not agree with only one thing. I do not believe that YGF attempts to find little things to put people on hold so he can make money. I am pretty sure he makes money even with people doing his sites, as in he probably averages more then $40 a ref. Otherwise OP, everything else is true. Just got to be more careful ?
10-03-2007 13:19:56
You know whats funny..I never saw jkirk or the other supporters of this idiot post here in this thread.
12-03-2007 08:16:58
actually i posted a few times supporting him.....
12-03-2007 20:55:06
[quoted4f02a3a7e="cmcalli"]actually i posted a few times supporting him.....[/quoted4f02a3a7e]
You dont count. Someone who has a reputation here and in the freebie world is what I meant.
sorry chuck
13-03-2007 05:09:28
funny! I don't count? I've been around longer than you pal. Also, This dude was my ref on the site. Please explain how I don't count. If anyone should be keeping their mouths shut about this topic it should be you.
13-03-2007 06:39:58
[quote31611ae250="cmcalli"]funny! I don't count? I've been around longer than you pal. Also, This dude was my ref on the site. Please explain how I don't count. If anyone should be keeping their mouths shut about this topic it should be you.[/quote31611ae250]
You have not been around here longer than zr2152...and zr2152 knows his stuff, can't really mock him.
13-03-2007 07:06:24
well according to FIPG he's been around since april of last year...I have been around alot longer than that. It's still not the point. He knows nothing about the situation...ahh this dude is a joke
13-03-2007 07:07:24
cmcalli is a madden.
13-03-2007 07:18:31
lol trying...dang bro what happened to that winter trny? Message me soon and we'll get one started if you want
13-03-2007 07:20:33
[quote7a775b96cd="cmcalli"]well according to FIPG he's been around since april of last year...I have been around alot longer than that. It's still not the point. He knows nothing about the situation...ahh this dude is a joke[/quote7a775b96cd]
ahh your cmcalli the mod @ A4f ..I know who you are now lol
13-03-2007 07:47:47
[quote454ea922c5="cmcalli"]funny! I don't count? I've been around longer than you pal. Also, This dude was my ref on the site. Please explain how I don't count. If anyone should be keeping their mouths shut about this topic it should be you.[/quote454ea922c5]
word son.
I was just going by your newbie status. I didnt know that you were a mod over at A4F hence my quick judgement. Chill bro, you know what i meant. Its just a fucking freebie forum.
EDIT Joke? How am I a joke? YGF had every right to put him on hold, it was a simple freebie mistake, thats what i know from the situation so far. Just because hes been banned from A4F doesnt mean that he puts ppl on hold for no reason. Okay im going to stop before this gets heated.
13-03-2007 07:55:58
@cm - work work and more work. We should play soon though, even if it is just me and you me and you....
13-03-2007 08:02:00
sounds good. I haven't played still probably since the last time i lost to you. I'd like to get a trny going though again on a4f. I'm sure I can get some good sponsors.
03-04-2007 17:59:54
03-04-2007 18:02:05
Correct. I went back and reviewed and found legolias was legit! I am terribly sorry for all the trouble!
03-04-2007 18:39:30
03-04-2007 18:57:43
Resolved )
04-04-2007 09:04:17
Thats good to hear)