09-10-2006 20:03:54
Just a reminder and a few upates about our DIY site. We plan on restoring the DIY site tomorrow if all goes well.
As previously reported, we will be officialy closing the website on October 14th at 1159 PM EST.
You will only be eligible for your free gift if you request approval before the time listed above. All pending orders will be verified and sent out that have been requested approval before that time.
If any offers are completed after the date and time listed above, they will be null and void. If you have completed the site and do not take the necessary steps and just listed, you will not be eligible for your gift.
Please take this into consideration...
And, as said before, we will consequently be opening a new cash site in DIY's place. It will go along the lines of something like, complete a certain offer and be paid $xx for it; complete another and be paid $xx for that completion.
Stay tuned for more updates!!
unknown uchiha
11-10-2006 17:04:59
Noooooo I haven't gotten credit for Deeds4Dollars yet! How's the manual coming along?
11-10-2006 17:10:16
Im extending the deadline since its down. Nothing yet (
11-10-2006 17:39:17
why are u closing it down?
11-10-2006 17:50:56
It wont intergrate with the new script.
12-10-2006 05:44:21
Tryin to get an addon to go with the new script though
12-10-2006 11:48:27
The addons is cashback which will work.
13-10-2006 08:41:28
When will the new deadline be since it's still down?
13-10-2006 14:02:29
go to the site for an update.
If you had a pending order on DIY or had pending credits e-mail your e-mail and all the offers you were CREDITED for. If you wish to do more offers AIM me at 'YourGiftsFree' or e-mail me. IF YOU E-MAIL ME all offers you were credited for will be sent to you as cash out. When you request cash out e-mail me your e-mail, offers you did what you want, and PayPal e-mail. YOU HAVE UNTILL OCTOBER 17TH 2006 1159 EST TO REQUEST CASH OUT. Thanks