Updates for Free4Me

Live forum: http://forum.freeipodguide.com/viewtopic.php?t=62606


20-05-2007 19:15:01

[b27252b4c08]New Updates from Alesha, the NEW Free4Me Director!
[quote27252b4c08]Hey Everyone!

I have some exciting updates from Free4Me!

To start, About a week ago Peter lost his mind and made me the Director Of Free4Me.net. I took the ball and ran with it before he realized what he had done. Check out the changes! I Hope you like them!!!

All of the Free4Me sites have received a small facelift in the way of prizes and descriptions. All of the prizes have pictures now instead of broken links. laugh.gif Also, some of the old outdated prizes have been removed and newer, cooler ones added! liSpecial thanks to Kelly for making the Paypal pictures!li

Many people ask everyday if we offer paypal instead of a certain prize. The answer is Yes! We offer a paypal equivalent for every prize on our network! Now, if you wonder what the paypal option is, you can either visit our portal page located here http//free4me.net/index.php/sites[]http//free4me.net/index.php/sites OR just mouse over the gift and the information is right there in the box!

There have also been changes to most of the sites to make them easier for YOU!

50.Free4Me - The requirements were lowered from 10 referrals to 8 referrals and ALL of the offers are still non credit card, completely free and ALL of them are FULL Credit!
View the Offers here http//free4me.net/index.php/sites/50[]http//free4me.net/index.php/sites/50

Giftcard.Free4Me - This entire site has been overhauled to make it easier for YOU! The page 3 offer requirements have been changed. Now there are a LOT more to choose from! However, with the changes the page 1,2,3 offer
requirements have been raised to 4 on each page. No More OOD requirements!!!! The site is easier to complete and you STILL get that $500 Payment!
liNoteli If you have already completed your page 3 offers, please open a support ticket and I will credit you with a bonus credit on page 3 since your
requirements were complete prior to this change!
View the Offers here http//free4me.net/index.php/sites/giftcard[]http//free4me.net/index.php/sites/giftcard

Macs.Free4Me - The Page 2 offer requirements have been LOWERED to give you a larger offer selection! However, with these changes we have added a second offer requirement to page 2. No More OOD Requirements!!! liNOTEli If you have already completed your page 2 offer requirements please open a support ticket and I will credit you with a bonus credit since your requirements were complete prior to this change!
View the Offers here http//free4me.net/index.php/sites/macs[]http//free4me.net/index.php/sites/macs

Plasmas.Free4Me & Gadgets.Free4Me - 1/4 Credit Offers added to make completion easier for YOU!! Wider variety of available offers!!!
View the Offers here http//free4me.net/index.php/sites/plasmas[]http//free4me.net/index.php/sites/plasmas
View the offers here http//free4me.net/index.php/sites/gadgets[]http//free4me.net/index.php/sites/gadgets

Also, keep an eye out, there are more things to come very soon and stay tuned for announcement #2 coming shortly[/quote27252b4c08]

[b27252b4c08]There is also a NEW SITE coming out, be on the lookout![/b27252b4c08]


21-05-2007 16:13:58

Nice changes ER!