How unlikely is it for companies to take a person off hold?

Live forum:


23-01-2007 16:16:23

More specifically, how unlikely is it on the Free4Me network? Because that is what I am looking at here. I needed 7 referrals, and I ended up getting 8 because one ref was put on hold like a month after we traded and now that I've submitted for approval, I got another hold. So I'm 6/7 and I don't know whether I can trust people with < 20 TR to do trades correctly =/


23-01-2007 16:22:30

It depends on what they did.


23-01-2007 16:23:32

Probally very slim...but open a support ticket and ask him


23-01-2007 16:26:10

http//[" alt=""/img67e14eb4e0]

Well, I've no clue what they did. I'm trying to contact the second guy that got put on hold, but the first one claims he didn't do anything wrong but complete the offer and he didn't even cancel or so he says. >_>


23-01-2007 16:52:38

I've had this issue once. This is what happened

Two of my friend's referrals were put on hold, both for the same thing. When they submitted for manual credit, the credit was given twice, so the approval lady flagged doing offers more than once. It was fixed quickly through AIM support and both were taken off hold.


23-01-2007 20:10:35

I feel that free4me is a hold friendly network. I just submitted for approval on 250 site and just got one on hold, I remember now why I stopped doing free4me sites last year.. I must of had 1 in 5 referals go on hold. But they cant be beat for service and reliablity so now with all the flood of noobies I have gone on to complete sites I had started long time ago. I do hope that I dont end up with too many holds.


23-01-2007 22:24:38

I have completed both Gadgets.Free4Me and Gaming.Free4Me and out of 15 referrals, only one was placed on hold and that green was from last summer. HotStuff has 10 greens and so far no holds, just be careful who you trade with and ask them to open up support tickets.


24-01-2007 08:43:29

[quotea8dde2f492="zwarrior99"]I feel that free4me is a hold friendly network. I just submitted for approval on 250 site and just got one on hold, I remember now why I stopped doing free4me sites last year.. I must of had 1 in 5 referals go on hold. But they cant be beat for service and reliablity so now with all the flood of noobies I have gone on to complete sites I had started long time ago. I do hope that I dont end up with too many holds.[/quotea8dde2f492]

You don't know until you've tried OrderIt4Free shock Free4Me has been pretty good to me, I did Hotstuff and Gears, no referrals went on hold either time, it went well for me.


27-01-2007 06:30:59

[quoteb69d647289="zwarrior99"]I feel that free4me is a hold friendly network. I just submitted for approval on 250 site and just got one on hold, I remember now why I stopped doing free4me sites last year.. I must of had 1 in 5 referals go on hold. But they cant be beat for service and reliablity so now with all the flood of noobies I have gone on to complete sites I had started long time ago. I do hope that I dont end up with too many holds.[/quoteb69d647289]

eh i stopped doing free4me sites a while ago too and made my own. the only site i can trust is probably trainn and at times c>o>t.

I am pretty sure they are hold friendly. i had an account with 7 refs and my first ref was placed on hold because he signed up using my ip ( even though he did the offer on his own ip). which means my other refs i paid were not even needed. if only i would have just stopped at my first ref P


27-01-2007 08:03:29


I am pretty sure they are hold friendly. i had an account with 7 refs and my first ref was placed on hold because [b6aa8b1e9da]he signed up using my ip[/b6aa8b1e9da] ( even though he did the offer on his own ip). which means my other refs i paid were not even needed. if only i would have just stopped at my first ref P[/quote6aa8b1e9da]

and you wonder why you are on hold.... roll


27-01-2007 21:32:53

no.. i dont. its just that i forgot all about that rule.