15-07-2006 19:31:27
I thought approvals were today. I guess he didn't have time to do them or finish them? (
Anyone get approved today?
I'm waiting for it for 100.Free4Me.
15-07-2006 22:57:42
He doesn't start approving until 1200 AM EST [baf0e02feb7]SUNDAY[/baf0e02feb7] morning, AFAIK.
16-07-2006 05:46:51
Mmm. I was approved. Yay. D
17-07-2006 03:05:56
Does "Shipping soon" in the status column of the order mean that my account has been approved and they will ship it out?
17-07-2006 04:29:28
Yes. Shipping should be today. D
18-07-2006 21:59:30
Darn, I didn't submit my W-9 in time so I have to wait for next week's Monday shipment for my laptop (
19-07-2006 09:39:55
How hard was it to get all 11 refs for the Mac Book Pro? How much did you spend in trades, etc?
19-07-2006 15:57:29
[quote7590d0839a="cmstar"]How hard was it to get all 11 refs for the Mac Book Pro? How much did you spend in trades, etc?[/quote7590d0839a]
I haven't completed the site, but it seems like it would be pretty tough. Two offers from page 1 and 1 offer from a second page. There are alot of easy tickles and stuff though. But then again you could probably pay around $45 per ref and get the macbook pro for less than $500.