20-04-2006 03:01:40
I really want to start this website, but it's so intimidating!
Any advice? 3 offers per person will be ridiculous to get and 11(or 12) refs at that.
Just need some words of encouragment I guess...
20-04-2006 03:37:04
[quotea2e0ba65ec="Rewman"]I really want to start this website, but it's so intimidating!
Any advice? 3 offers per person will be ridiculous to get and 11(or 12) refs at that.
Just need some words of encouragment I guess...[/quotea2e0ba65ec]
Well, first things first, if you still need to sign up I'm paying good for refs, PM me.
I thought the same things at first, but took the plunge anyhow after talking to a few people that had actually finished the site. It only took them a couple of weeks to get the greens they needed, and some have received gifts as you'll see posted in some places.
I've been working on it for less than a week, and I'm over half way to getting my refs for the MacBook Pro (11).
Just offer good trades, or good money, and you should be able to finish it without problems. They've got several cheap offers that credit fast, even on page 2 they've got Earthlink which is easy to do and only 9.95.
Good Luck!
20-04-2006 09:25:22
thanks referralbroker.
I'll decide later today (or tomorrow) weather or not I actually want to go through with macs.free4me...and I'll definitely let you know
BTW, good job with the refs man. Keep up the great work!