unknown uchiha
23-08-2009 18:36:11
If you win any items I'm selling and you're a member of FreeiPodGuide, shoot me a PM on the forum and I'll give you free shipping.
Currently no items listed, keep checking back for more!
23-08-2009 21:01:35
Yay. I bid on your $25 iTunes gift card and 8GB iPod Touch. )
24-08-2009 10:07:43
Bidding on the Scullcandy headphones (mtg1000c).
unknown uchiha
26-08-2009 17:17:01
My friend who owns the iPod touches that I'm selling somehow ended up selling one to his roommate and only letting me know today, so I had to remove one of them. Sorry!
unknown uchiha
05-09-2009 15:43:14
Bump. The second iPod touch is now back up on eBay.