31-01-2009 16:53:59
I have an OEM copy of Vista Ultimate that I don't need. I got the 32 and 64 bit versions because I heard there were problems with drivers and the 64 bit version. Turns out, the driver problems didn't affect me! So, I'm getting rid of the 32 bit version.
Here is a link to Vista Ultimate on Newegg.com, for $179.99
Vista Ultimate on NewEgg[=http//www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16832116490]Vista Ultimate on NewEgg
I'm asking $120 OBO.
The money is going to buy a new zune...so If you've got either an 80 or 120 GB zune that you're willing to part with, I'll gladly do a trade as well!
Send me a PM if you're interrested!
02-02-2009 08:41:32
Post a picture of the DVD please
02-02-2009 19:58:30
21-02-2009 17:38:48
How about $110? (or a used zune 80 or 120!) )
21-02-2009 20:18:13
I've got a 20 GB ipod photo I'll trade you....
04-03-2009 17:08:19
Thanks for the offer...but, I want the zune to replace my 20gb iPod...which is now on it's 4th hard drive! So I've given up on iPods.
06-04-2009 19:42:18
You might have better luck if you post a clear picture, where you're not obscuring the NOT FOR RESALE portion of the DVD. At least then you'll be honest about what you're selling.